Objective 8.1.3. - New Development.
Ensure sufficient park facilities are available to support new residential development to ensure that new development does not negatively impact quality of life.
Policy Require the issuance of a Certificate of Level of Service Compliance for all new residential development.
Implementation Mechanism:
All new residential development shall be reviewed against parks Level of Service Standards contained in Objective 8.1.1 to ensure that parks are available concurrent with the impacts of such residential development.
Policy Allow the issuance of a Certificate of Level of Service Compliance for residential development only where such development meets its own recreational needs for at least local parks, if located in an area of noncompliance with the adopted level of service standards. Noncompliance shall exist where:
A need exists for at least one (1) more local, district or regional park than the number of parks currently available, as determined by applying the most current annual population estimate to the level of service standards contained in Policy, and
No local parks are scheduled for completion in the current year or the following fiscal year, and no district or regional parks are scheduled for completion within the Capital Projects List of the Capital Improvements Element.
Implementation Mechanism:
Planning Department annual recalculation of level of service compliance or noncompliance consistent with this policy.
Policy Establish one (1) or more local funding sources to be used solely for the development of additional parks as they are needed as a result of new residential development.
Implementation Mechanism(s):
Adopt, as feasible, any recommendations from the needs assessment study which may require amendments to the existing County impact fee regulations.
Identify and implement other funding sources as necessary to supplement impact fees.
Policy Continue the impact fee credit system used by the Planning Department while exploring other incentives to encourage private sector provision of park lands, facilities, and improvements.
Implementation Mechanism(s):
Continue the adopted program of using minimum thresholds of development to determine eligibility for impact fee credits to ensure that privately provided parks meet, but do not exceed, need, based on adopted standards. Private parks which exceed level of service park requirements are not eligible for impact fee credits or other incentives. Any "excess" park area provided by the developer is considered to have its own benefit to the developer.
Retain land development regulations which implement these requirements to ensure the public or private maintenance of any parks provided under this incentive policy.