Objective 8.2.2. - Multi-Modal Access.

Latest version.
  • Provide opportunities for a variety of access methods including connections to other recreational facilities, destinations, or points of interest to reduce dependence on motorized vehicles and promote non-vehicular recreational opportunities.

    Policy Increase opportunities for Manatee County residents and visitors to use alternate forms of transportation to access public recreational facilities, especially in the WO and CHHA Overlay Districts.

    Implementation Mechanism(s):


    Consider separate bicycle and pedestrian accessways for local parks, where feasible, multi-use trail connections between district and regional parks, and bicycle racks at recreation sites as determined by the Natural Resources and the Parks and Recreation Department.


    Coordination between the Parks and Recreation and Planning Departments to consider the location of public recreational facilities along current or planned mass transit routes to increase the recreational opportunities of the transportation disadvantaged.

    Policy Utilize recreational facilities as trailheads as appropriate, or provide access to, multi-use trail corridors. [See policies under Objective 3.3.3]

    Implementation Mechanism:


    Coordination between the County Departments, State and Federal Agencies, and private development to include trailheads where the multi-use trail network, as identified in the Manatee County Greenways and Trails Master Plan, as amended, to access the trail network.