Objective 8.4.1. - Greenways Map.
Maintain a Greenways Map in the Greenways and Trails Master Plan, as amended, as the guiding document for development of a multi-use trails network.
Policy Develop a framework of multi-use trails that connect activity centers, major employment centers and residential areas throughout Manatee County.
Implementation Mechanism:
Update as needed, by the Natural Resources and the Planning Departments, of the Greenways Map consistent with this policy.
Policy Develop a framework of multi-use trails that facilitate inter-neighborhood movement, connections to schools and reduce circuitous travel and congestion.
Implementation Mechanism:
Update as needed, by the Natural Resources and the Planning Departments of the Greenways Map consistent with this policy.
Policy Develop a framework of multi-use trails that provide connections to conservation lands, public and private parks, and historic and cultural sites, and other uses, as determined by Manatee County.
Implementation Mechanism:
Update as needed, by the Natural Resources and the Planning Departments of the Greenways Map consistent with this policy.