Objective 8.4.2. - Multi-Use Trails Performance Standards.

Latest version.
  • Utilize design standards in Greenways Master Plan or other recognized acceptable standard to ensue the proper functioning of the trail system.

    Policy Private residential and nonresidential development shall be encouraged to provide access to the trails system.

    Policy Private development adjacent to proposed trails identified in the Greenways Master Plan are encouraged to integrate the trail into the development plan.

    Policy Locate and design multi-use trails and associated improvements therein, to minimize impacts on environmental assets.

    Implementation Mechanism:


    County Departments review of proposed multi-use trail projects for compliance with this policy, and coordination with state and federal jurisdictional agencies as necessary.

    Table 8-1
    Recreation Facilities Performance Measures

    Resource/Facility Units Adopted Measure
    (Units/Resident Pop.)
    Bicycle Trail Miles 1/10,000
    Accessible Hiking Trail Miles 1/10,000
    Fitness Trail with Parcourse Stations Miles 1/50,000
    Fishing Piers Feet 800'/10,000
    Boat Ramps Lanes 1/7,500
    Swimming Pools Pools 1/50,000
    Basketball Goals Goals 1/5,000
    Handball/Racquetball Courts Courts 1/20,000
    Shuffleboard Courts Courts 1/10,000
    Tennis Courts Courts 1/3,000
    Baseball/Softball Field Fields 1/6,000
    Football/Soccer Fields Fields 1/15,000
    Gun/Archery Range Stations 1/6,000
    Golf Course Holes 9/25,000
    Beaches Subject to Natural Constraints



    Performance measures were generally derived from state standards. However, some measures were modified by Manatee County Parks and Recreation Departments to reflect local recreation needs.

    Source: Manatee County Parks and Recreation Department.

    Source: Manatee County Parks and Recreation.

    Source: National Recreation and Park Association.