Objective 9.1.2. - Mandatory Sanitary Sewer Collection.  

Latest version.
  • Prioritize the extension of trunk mains, interceptors, and pump stations to collect wastewater from environmentally sensitive areas, existing high density areas, existing neighborhoods which are currently not connected to the Manatee County sanitary sewer system and all areas within the RES-6, RES-9, RES-12, RES-16, OL, OM, ROR, MU, IL, IH, and IU Future Land Use Categories.

    Policy Utilize the Manatee County Wastewater Collection System Master Plans to plan the general location of, and determine estimated design capacity of, all trunk mains, interceptors, and pump stations for which a need is projected to enable Manatee County to provide sanitary sewer service within all areas listed in this objective.

    Policy Participate, where appropriate, in upsizing agreements with developers to provide sanitary sewer collection systems within areas listed in this objective concurrent with proposed development, and require (where feasible) that such collection systems are consistent with plans developed pursuant to Policy above.

    Policy Require that wastewater collection systems which are to be operated and maintained by Manatee County be designed to minimize the capital and operating costs of the County collection system.

    Implementation mechanism:


    Review of any proposed capital improvement, and review of any proposed development order on any project not having special exception status under this Comprehensive Plan, for compliance with sanitary sewer Level of Service Standards.


    Manatee County Waterwater Collection System Master Plans.

(Ord. No. 18-04 , § 11(Exh. I), 8-23-18)