Latest version.
  • This table gives the location within this Plan of those ordinances which are included herein. Ordinances not listed herein have been omitted as repealed, superseded or not of a general and permanent nature.

    Subject Matter Section Section
    this Plan
    89-01 -  5-11-89 Amending, Revising and Replacing in its entirety the Comprehensive Plan of Manatee County. - -
    90-06 90-03(B)  7-26-90 Appropriate recreational uses within the Watershed Overlay Districts. - -
    90-07 90-04  7-26-90 Correcting errors-inconsistencies, adding definitions, amending due dates for date-certain activities. - -
    90-08 90-05  7-26-90 Planned Development Exemption for a Single Family Dwelling unit in the Mixed Use Category. - -
    90-09 90-06  8- 8-90 Revisions to the Fire Flow Requirements. - -
    90-10 90-07  7-26-90 Exceptions to Prohibitions within the Floodway. - -
    90-46 90-10 12-20-90 Errors/inconsistencies. - -
    90-47 90-11 12-20-90 Exempting small professiona; office uses from commercial location criteria in certain circumstances. - -
    90-56 90-20 12-20-90 Amendment to recreation/open space LOS, future park list, capital improvements schedule for parks. - -
    90-57 90-21 12-20-90 Capital improvements element update FY 90-95. - -
    90-59 90-24 12-20-90 Commercial location criteria exemption for Myakka City. - -
    90-45 90-25 12-20-90 Single Family Residential Use allowed in Industrial Light on Single lots of Record. - -
    91-01 91-01  7-18-91 Enable Implementation of Storm water Management Reuse Plan in the Watershed Overlay Districts. - -
    91-15 91-15  7-18-91 Regional Activity Center Overlay District Defined. - -
    91-17 91-17  7-18-91 Errors/Omissions/Oversights. - -
    91-45 91-21 12-12-91 Modifying ROR Uses to Recognize Existing Light Industrial Uses Established Prior to Plan Adoption. - -
    91-46 91-22 12-12-1991 Capital Improvements Element Update FY 91-96. - -
    91-48 91-24 12-12-91 Adjustments for Specific Deadlines/Correcting Errors and Inconsistencies. - -
    91-50 91-26 12-12-91 Modifications to Plan Development Requirements. - -
    91-52 91-28 12-12-91 Incorporate Portion of the Port Manatee Master Plan. - -
    91-54 91-30 12-12-91 Rural Activity Center—Allows for General Commercial Uses in the Rural Villages of Parrish and Myakka City. - -
    R-91-116 -  6-27-91 Correcting the Commercial Locational Criteria Requirement of Policy - -
    92-05 92-05  6-25-92 Establishes LOS Capacity Reservation to be Used Exclusively for Affordable Housing. - -
    92-10 92-10  6-25-92 Expiration of LOS for Single Family Detached Dwelling Units. - -
    92-11 92-11  6-25-92 Amendments to Traffic Circulation Maps/Adjusting number of Lanes on Certain Roadway Segments, etc. - -
    92-13 92-13  6-25-92 Allows for Recreational Uses in the AG/R Category. - -
    R-92-15 -  3-26-92 Correcting Text and Formatting Errors Adopted in Plan Amendments ORD-90-07, 90-46 and 90-47 and Include Department Name. - -
    92-35 92-17 11-10-92 Clarifies and Establishes Affordable Housing Program Including Density Bonus Limitations. - -
    92-36 92-18 11-10-92 Update of Capital Improvements Element and Associated Changes to Peak Hour Level of Service Tables. - -
    92-37 92-19 11-10-92 Revisions to Parks Concurrency/Replaces Planning & Analysis Areas with Impact Fee Construction Districts. - -
    92-40 92-20 11-10-92 Establishes the Environmental Action Commission/Reflecting Current Name and Duties. - -
    92-42 92-22 11-10-92 Repeals the Regional Activity Center Established at I-75 and University Parkway (Refer to ORD 91-15). - -
    92-47 92-24 11-10-92 Establishes Access Limitations on University Parkway. - -
    93-06 93-01 10-28-93 Updates to the Port Manatee Master Plan/Moving the Master Plan to the end of the Coastal Element. - -
    93-07 93-02 10-28-93 Revises Provisions for development in the Mixed Use Land Use Category. - -
    93-08 93-03 10-28-93 Establishes Retail (Commercial) Neighborhood/Deleting Retail (Commercial) Convenience. - -
    93-09 93-04 10-28-93 Establishes Rural Recreational Use Clarifies Boat Dock "Density"/Emergency Management Review of Development Proposals. - -
    93-14(B) 93-09 10-28-93 Clarifies Historic Preservation Policies/Removes Palma Sola as Historic District. (See Map Amendment). - -
    93-15 93-10 10-28-93 Recognizes Casco Dorado and the Waterways Condos as Non-Conforming Density to the FLUC. - -
    93-18 93-13 12-16-93 Updates Capital Improvements Element. - -
    94-12 94-01  9-22-94 Revises Mass Transit Policies Including Method in which LOS is Calculated. - -
    94-13 94-02  9-22-94 Clarifies and Expands Development Compatibility Guidelines. - -
    94-14 94-03  9-22-94 Changed Circumstances/Recognizes Tampa Bay NEP—Deletes Requirement for Interlocal with Myakka River Coordinating Council, etc. - -
    94-15 94-04  9-22-94 Updates Traffic Circulation Map and Text number of Lanes/ROW Needs—Functional Classification. - -
    94-18 94-07  9-22-94 Allows for Indirect Access to Commercial Development in Specific Circumstances. - -
    94-20 94-09 12-15-94 Updates Capital Improvements Element. - -
    94-21 94-10  9-22-94 LOS Clarifications—Revise Tables 5-1 and 12-0A/Recognize Program Capacity/Allows DeMinimus Impact. - -
    95-03 95-03 12- 5-94 Updates Capital Improvements Element. - -
    95-05 95-05  9-28-95 Amend Port Manatee Master Plan. - -
    95-06 95-06  9-28-95 Clarifications and Updates. - -
    95-09 95-08  9-28-95 Updates Traffic Circulation Element (University Parkway/U.S. 301 Intersection). - -
    95-31 95-12 12- 5-95 Specify Miniwarehouse F.A.R. and Location. - -
    95-32 95-13 12- 5-95 Amend Notice Requirements Consistent with State. - -
    96-07 96-02 11-26-96 Manatee County School Board (Location of School Facilities). - -
    96-10 96-05 11-26-96 Updates Capital Improvements Element. - -
    97-01 97-01  4- 2-98 Amendment to Comp. Plan for FLU, Public Facilitates and Natural Resources. - -
    97-19 97-19  4- 2-98 Amendment to Comp. Plan for Amendment to Port Manatee Plan in Chapter Four. - -
    97-20 97-20 12-16-97 Deleting Fiscal Year 1997 and Applicable Data and Adding Fiscal Year 2002 and Applicable Data to Tables 12-1, 12-2, 12-3 and 12-4 of the CIE. - -
    97-54 97-41 12-16-97 Adding A Definition for Hospitals & to Amend the FLU Element to Add Hospitals. - -
    98-03 98-02 12-15-98 Port Manatee Master Plan. - -
    98-23 98-06 12-15-98 Updates Capital Improvements Element. - -
    99-14 99-06  9-23-99 Text Amendment for Open Spaces. - -
    99-16 99-08  9-23-99 ICE Text Amendment. - -
    99-24 99-11  9-23-99 Amendment to the Transportation Element. - -
    99-33 99-14 11-16-99 Text Additions, Corrections to Oversights in the Current Text. - -
    99-36 99-17 11-16-99 Updates Capital Improvements Element. - -
    00-18 00-03 11-28-00 Amended Comp. Plan, Providing an Exception to Locational Criteria for Neotraditional Dev. - -
    00-33 00-10 11-28-00 Port Manatee Master Plan Amendments. - -
    00-37 00-13 11-28-00 Amended Comp. Plan, Providing to Allow Lodging Units Accessory to Environmental Resources. - -
    00-41 00-14 11-28-00 Updates Capital Improvements Element. - -
    01-04 01-04  7-24-01 Commercial Location Exemption for Large Projects and DRI's. - -
    01-05 01-05  7-24-01 Text Amendments Regarding Issuance of Water CLOS. - -
    01-06 01-06  7-24-01 Text Amendments for Clarifications Oversights and Corrections. - -
    01-07 01-07  7-24-01 Text Amendments Regarding Requirements to the P/SP-1 FLU (Regarding Application and Process.) 7-24-2001 - -
    01-08 01-08 - Updates Wastewater Treatment Element (Deferred to Cycle II 2001 and Adopted as part of ORD 06-13/PA 06-13 (EAR)) - -
    01-13 01-10 10-23-01 Traffic Circulation Map Amendment. - -
    01-17 01-13 11-27-01 Updates Capital Improvements Element. - -
    01-36 01-14 11- 6-01 Variable Width Wetland Buffers/Nuisance Exotic Species Removal. - -
    02-04 02-04 11-19-02 Removing Electrical Generation Facilities in AG/R. - -
    02-07 02-07 11-19-02 Updates Capital Improvements Element. - -
    02-08 02-08 11-19-02 Traffic Circulation Update. - -
    02-10 02-10 11-19-02 Peace River Text Amendment. - -
    03-04 03-04 12-16-03 Port Manatee Master Plan Amendments. - -
    03-56 03-08 12-16-03 Establish a Planning Framework for a North County Gateway Area. - -
    04-01 04-01 12-14-04 Amendment to the Traffic Circulation Sub-Element. - -
    04-08 04-08 12-14-04 To Change the Availability of Obtaining a Certificate of Level of Service Compliance for Sanitary Sewer at DRI. - -
    05-12 05-12 12-20-05 Amending the Traffic Circulation Sub-Element; Updating the Traffic Circulation Map Series and Table 5-1. - -
    05-63 05-18 12-20-05 Amending the Definitions Element to Provide for Environmental Preserves and Clarify Applicable Standards. - -
    06-13 06-13 12-12-06 Evaluation and Appraisal Report (EAR 2004). - -
    06-14 06-14 12-12-06 Amendment to Port Manatee Master Plan. - -
    07-04 07-04  9-25-07 Updates the Traffic Circulation Map Series (Map 5-A Existing Roadways Functional Classification, Map 5-B Future Traffic Circulation Functional Classification, Map 5-C Future Traffic Circulation Right of Way Protection and Reservation and Map 5-D Future Traffic Circulation Number of Lanes) and Table 5-1. - -
    07-07 07-07  9-25-07 Expiration Dates for CLOS. - -
    07-10 07-10 12-18-07 Providing for an approval of amendments to the text of the Future Land Use Element, The Future Land Use Operative Provisions and Capital Improvements Element regarding Concurrency—Redevelopment Exception Areas, and the Concurrency Review Process. - -
    08-01 08-01  4- 3-08 Establishes the Public School Facilities Elements. - -
    08-02 08-02  5-20-08 Amendment to the Water Supply & Wastewater Sub Elements, Conservation and ICE Elements and Adoption of the Water Supply Facilities Work Plan. - -
    08-03 08-03  7-29-08 Establishes the Medium Intensity Office (OM) Future Land Use Category. - -
    08-09 08-08  7-29-08 Amendment to the Traffic Circulation Map Series. - -
    08-11 08-10  7-29-08 Amendment to the Definitions and the Future Land Use and Coastal Management Elements. - -
    08-36 08-16  7-29-08 Amendment to the Capital Improvements Element (CIE). - -
    08-50 08-20  2-24-09 Establishes the North County Gateway Overlay (NCG OL). - -
    08-52 08-22 12- 4-08 Amendment to the Future Land Use Element—Operative Provisions. - -
    08-60 08-24 12- 4-08 Amendment to the Future Land Use Element; Providing for a Commercial Locational Criteria Exemption in the Village of Parrish. - -
    08-82 08-28 12-16-08 Amendment to the Capital Improvements Element (CIE). - -
    09-03 09-03 12-15-09 County Initiated Errors and Omissions. - -
    09-20 09-07 12-15-09 Traffic Map Series Update. - -
    10-05 10-05  6-17-10 City of Bradenton/Reclaimed Water. - -
    10-14 10-14  6-17-10 Wetland Mitigation Preference/Fee. - -
    10-21 10-21  3-30-10 Amendment to Port Manatee Master Plan. - -
    10-30 10-23 10-12-10 Future Development Area Boundry/Utilities Service Area. - -
    10-31 10-24 10-12-10 County initiated Amendment to FLU Element and Land Use Operative section to amend policies relating to commercial development requirements. - -
    10-32 10-25 10-12-10 Amendment to Urban Core-CRA and UIRA areas. - -
    10-39 10-22 10-12-10 Amendment to update traffic map series. - -
    10-55 10-28 10-26-10 CIE - -
    11-01 11-01  8- 4-11 Text Amendment for CHHA, CEA, and CPA. - -
    11-51 11-05 12-20-11 CIE - -
    12-02 12-02  2- 2-12 Myakka City Commercial Locational Criteria. - -
    12-06 12-03  4- 5-11 Text Amendment for Dormitories. - -
    12-25 12-04 10- 4-12 Amend name of overlay to Florida International Gateway-fireflow amendments. - -
    12-37 12-06 12-18-12 CIE - -
    13-03 13-01  4- 4-13 Complete Streets amendment. - -
    13-10 10-02 12- 5-13 Providing for specific property development condition. 3       Added ELE 1, Section D
    4 Map Amend. Hist.
    13-11 12-05  3- 7-13 10 year Water Supply Plan. - -
    13-13 13-05 11- 7-13 Creation of Urban Service Area. - -
    13-46 13-11 12-17-13 CIE - -
    14-07 14-01  6- 5-14 Text amendment removal of CRA references. - -
    14-21 14-02 12- 4-14 Traffic Map Series Update. - -
    15-31 15-01 12- 3-15 Amending provisions to preserve internal consistancy. 3 ELE 1, Section D
    16-01 15-05  8- 4-16 Amendment to the Future Land Use Map. - Map Amend. Hist.
    16-07 16-01  9-19-16 3(Exh. A) ELE 2, Future Land Use Maps
    4(Exh. B) ELE 1, Definitions
    5(Exh. C) 2.1.3
    Table 2-1
    Table 2-2
    6(Exh. D) 5.0.3
    16-11 15-04  3- 3-16 Amendment to Water Supply and Wastewater Treatment Sub-Elements 3 Goal 9.1
    Goal 9.5
    16-13 16-02  6- 2-16 Amendmend to the Future Land Use Map Map Amend. Hist.
    16-21 15-06  4- 7-16 CIE 3(Exh. A) 10.2.1
    3(Exh. B) Tables 10-1—10-5
    16-23 16-03  9-19-16 3(Exh. A) ELE 2, Future Land Use Maps
    4(Exh. B) ELE 1, §§ A—C
          Rnbd ELE 1, D.2, D.3, D.5,
          as Goal 2.14
          Rnbd ELE 1, D.4
          as ELE 1, D.2
    ELE 1, § E
    5(Exh. C) ELE 1, Definitions
    6(Exh. D) 2.1.1—2.1.4
    Table 2-1
    2.6.5, 2.6.6
    2.13.1, 2.13.2
    7(Exh. E) ELE 2, Land Use Operative Provisions
    8(Exh. F) 5.0.4
    5.2.1, 5.2.2
    Table 5-1
    17-01 16-07  6- 1-17 Amendment to the Future Land Use Map 3(Exh. A) Map Amend. Hist.
    3(Exh. B) 2.14.1
    17-03 16-09  3- 2-17 Amendments for the Airport Impact Overlay District 3(Exh. A) 5.14.4
    4(EXH. B) ELE 1, Definitions
    5(Exh. C) 2.2.2.
    6(Exh. D) 5.12.1
    17-04 16-10 10- 5-17 Amendment to the Costal Element; Amended and restated the Port Manatee Master Plan 3(Exh. A)       Rpld ELE 4, Port Manatee Master Plan
          Added ELE 4, Port Manatee Master Plan
    4 5.7.3
          Rpld 5.7.7
    17-08 16-08  1- 5-17 Amendment to the Capital Improvement Element 3(Exh. A) 10.1.10 (Tables 10-1—10-5)
    3(Exh. B) 10.2.1 (Maps)
    17-12 16-04  5-23-17 Amendment to the Future Land Use Element and Traffic Sub-Elements 3 2.4.1
    5.1.1, 5.1.2
    17-13 16-05  9- 3-17 Amendment to the Future Land Use Element and Public School Facilities Element 3 2.2.1
    17-04 16-06  5- 9-17 Amendment to the Future Land Use Map 3 2.14.1
    Map Amend. Hist.
    17-15 17-02  9- 7-17 Amendment to the Water Supply Facilities Work Plan 3 9.5.3
    17-17 17-03  6- 1-17 Amendment to the Future Land Use Map and Future Land Use Element 3(Exh. A) 2.14.1
    Map. Amend. Hist.
    17-18 17-04 10- 5-17 Amendment to the Transportation Element 3(Exh. A) 5.6.1
    17-34 17-05 11- 2-17 Amendment to the Future Land Use Element 3 2.2.1
    17-53 17-07 12- 7-17 Amendment to the Capital Improvements Element 3
    4(Exh. A) 10.1.10, Tables 10-1—10-5
    4(Exh. B) 10.2.1, Maps
    18-06 17-06  1-11-18 Amendment to the Future Land Use Map and Future Land Use Element 4       Rpld
    Map Amend. Hist.
    18-11 18-01  6- 7-18 Amendment to the Future Land Use Map and Future Land Use Element 3(Exh. A) 2.14.1, Map 27 of 29
    Map Amend. History
    18-17 18-02  6- 7-18 Amendment to the Definitions, Future Land Use, and Conservation Elements 3(Exh. A) ELE 1, Definitions
    4(Exh. B)
    5(Exh. C)       Added Goal 3.5, Obj. 3.5.1
    18-04 17-08  8-23-18 Amendments to Introduction, Definitions, Future Land Use, Conservation, Costal, Transportation, Housing, Public Facilities, and Capital Improvements Elements; Repealed Monitoring Element 3(Exh. A) Added 2.14.1, Map N
    4(Exh. B) Intro, § A.2
    Intro, § C
    Rpld Intro, § D
    Rnbd Intro, § E
          as Intro, § D
    5(Exh. C) Ele. 1, Definitions
    6(Exh. D) 2.1.1—2.1.4
    2.5.1, 2.5.2
          Rpld 2.6.6
    7(Exh. E) 3.1.1
    3.4.1, 3.4.2
    8(Exh. F) 4.1.1—4.1.6
    4.3.1, 4.3.2
    9(Exh. G) 5.0.2, 5.0.3
    5.1.1, 5.1.2
    5.4.1, 5.4.2
    10(Exh. H) 6.1.1—6.1.4
    11(Exh. I) 9.1.2
    9.1.4, 9.1.5
    9.2.3, 9.2.4
    13(Exh. K) Ele. 10, Intro.
    10.1.9, 10.1.10
    14(Exh. L) Rpld Ele. 13
    18-39 18-11 12-18-18 Amendment to the Future Land Use Map 3(Exh. A) 2.14.1, Map 14 of 29
    Map Amend. History
    18-46 18-13 12- 6-18 Amendment to the Capital Improvements Element 3
    4(Exh. A) 10.1.10, Tables 10-1—10-5
    4(Exh. B) 10.2.1, Maps