§ 1003. Transit Standards.
1003.1. Purpose and Intent.
These regulations are established to implement the Comprehensive Plan which, in part, requires the development of a cost effective and efficient transit system.
1003.2. Applicability.
No application for a development permit requiring administrative or special permits, preliminary Final Site plans, or preliminary or final plat approval shall be approved until the requirements of this section are met.
The applicant shall indicate on a site plan accompanying the submission to appropriate agencies, the existing bus routes as they relate to the project site. The applicant shall coordinate with the Department Director regarding the advisability of incorporating transit facilities within or adjacent to the project site.
1003.3. Standards.
Transit Requirements. The applicant shall, where applicable, conform to all transit requirements of the Manatee County Public Works Standards, the applicable transit provider and the Federal Transit Administration (FTA).
Access and Stops. Internal transit access and transit stops shall be provided within non-residential projects of one hundred thousand (100,000) square feet of gross floor area or more, and for residential projects of one hundred (100) dwelling units or more.
Stop Locations. Transit access and stops shall be conveniently located and designed to serve the proposed project.
Site Plan. The transit access and stops locations shall be shown on the site development plan.
Internal Stops. All internal transit stops shall provide sheltered protection from the weather. Such stops shall be installed in conjunction with the Certificate of Occupancy for the qualifying non-residential projects and before issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy for the one hundred and first (101st) unit of a residential project.
Design of Stops. Internal transit stops and shelters shall be constructed in accordance with the transit provider and Manatee County Public Works Standards.
Exemption. The Department Director may waive this requirement if there are existing transit stops in close proximity to the proposed project, or where transit service is not proposed to be extended in the future.