§ 1005. Off-Street Parking.  

Latest version.
  • 1005.1.   Applicability.


    New Development. All structures built or erected and all uses established after the effective date of this Code shall provide off-street parking in accordance with the regulations of this Section (see Code of Ordinances for vehicle storage requirements).


    Building Expansions and Additions. When an existing structure or use is expanded in floor area, volume, or capacity, and such expansion requires (or provides for) parking spaces in excess of ten (10) percent or ten (10) spaces of the total pre-existing space, whichever is less, off-street parking shall be provided in accordance with the requirements of this section.

    1005.2.   Use of Off-Street Parking Areas.

    All off-street parking facilities shall be used solely for the parking of vehicles, excluding restricted vehicles type B, C, and D, as defined under Chapter 2, Definitions, in operating condition by patrons, occupants or employees of the use to which such parking is accessory. No motor vehicle repair work except emergency service shall be permitted in association with any required off-street parking facilities.

    1005.3.   Number of Vehicular Parking Spaces Required.


    Minimum Parking Requirements. The minimum required number of off-street parking spaces shall be in accordance with Table 10-2, Parking Ratios. Handicap parking spaces shall be provided in accordance with F.S § 316.1955, the Americans with Disabilities Act and shall be counted as part of the total parking space requirement.

    Table 10-2: Parking Ratios

    Use Spaces/Sq. Ft. or Unit of Measure Notes
    Agricultural Uses:
    Agricultural Products Processing Plants 15
    Agricultural Research Facilities 1/300 Gross Office Area 2
    Agriculture No Requirement
    Animal Rehabilitation Center 1/250 Gross Office Area 2
    Animal Shelter 1/400 Gross Office Area
    Breeding Facility (non-wild, non-exotic) 1/400 Gross Office Area 2
    Stockyards and Feedlots 1/250 Gross Office Area + 1/1000 GFA Remaining Area 1+8
    Farms No Requirement
    Farm Equipment and Supply Establishments 1/500 Gross Retail Sales Area 2
    Farm Worker Housing 1/Dwelling Unit
    Farming Service Establishments 1/400 GFA 11
    Kennels 1/500 GFA 2
    Mobile Home in Add. to Residence 2/Mobile Home
    Ranches No Requirement
    Sawmills 1/300 Gross Office Area + 1/2000 GFA 11
    Short Term Agricultural Uses No Requirement
    Slaughterhouses 8
    Stables or Equestrian Centers (public or private) No Requirement
    Veterinary Hospitals 1/400 GFA 2
    Commercial Uses:
     Auction House (Open, Enclosed, Auto) 1/2 seats, or 1/250 GFA, whichever is greater
     Building Material Establishment 1/500 GFA 11
     Alcoholic Beverage Establishment 1/80 GFA or 1/2 seats, whichever is greater
      Drive-in/Drive-through (No Seats) 1/150 GFA 5
      Sit Down/Walk In 1/80 GFA or 1/2 seats, whichever is greater
     Furniture and Carpet Store 1/500 GFA
     Gas Pumps 1/Two Pumps 4
     Grocery Store and Convenience Store 1/200 GFA 10+16
    MH/RV Sales/Rental/Leasing 1/600 Gross Sales Area 3
    Motor Vehicle Sales/Rental/Leasing 1/500 Gross Sales Area + 1/4500 Open Sales Area 11+4
    General Retail Sales Uses (including Community and Regional) 1/250 GFA for uses 50,000 GFA or less 1/500 for uses with more than 50,000 GFA 2
    Retail Sales, Neighborhood Convenience Uses (excluding grocery and convenience stores, see above) 1/300 GFA 16
     Medical Marijuana Treatment Center Dispensing Facility 1/300 GFA 16
     Service Stations 3/Bay + 1/500 GFA 4
     Shopping Center 1/250 GFA for first 400,000 Sq. Ft. and 1/300 GFA for second 400,000 Sq. Ft. and 1/400 GFA thereafter 6
     Theatre (Free Standing) 1/3 Seats
     Theatre (Within Shopping Center) 1/3 Seats for Sq. Ft. that exceeds 20% of Shopping Center GFA
      Automatic Teller 4
      Bank 1/300 GFA 18
      Bank/Drive-Through 1/300 GFA 5
     Business Services 8
     Health Services:
      Professional Office 1/400 GFA 18
      Clinic 1/250 Gross Office Area
      Veterinary Clinic 1/400 Gross Office Area
      Hospitals 1.5/Patient Bed (No Maximum) 18
      Medical and Dental Laboratories 1/250 GFA
      Medical and Dental Office 1/250 GFA
      Nursing Home 1/Two Beds
     Lodging Places:
      Bed and Breakfast 1/Lodging Unit
      Boarding House 1/1.5 Beds + 1/500 GFA
      Boatel 1/250 Gross Office Area + 1/Lodging Unit + 1/5 Lodging Units for Guest Parking 6, 13, 18
      Camps 1/2000 GFA
      Dormitories 1/1.5 Beds
      Hospital Guest House 1/1.5 Beds
      Hotels/Motels 1/Lodging Unit + 1/Ten Lodging Units 6, 18
      RV Parks 1 Parking Pad Per RV Site
     Miscellaneous Services:
      Office 1/400 Gross Office Area 11+18
      Car Wash:
       Self-Serve 4 Stacking Spaces/Wash Bay 2
       Incidental 4 Stacking Spaces/Wash Bay 2
       Full Service 10 Stacking Spaces/Wash Bay 2
      Construction Service Establishments 1/300 GFA 11
      Dry Cleaners (neighborhood, general and pick-up) 1/300 Gross Office Area 11
      Exterminating and Pest Control 1/300 Gross Office Area 11
      Food Catering 1/300 Gross Office Area 11
      Funeral Chapel 1/Three Seats in Main Assembly Area 11
      Funeral Home 1/Each Three Seats in Each Parlor 11
      Lawn Care/Landscaping 1/300 in Gross Office Area 11
      Personal Service Establishment 1/300 GFA 2
      Rental Service Establishment 1/300 GFA 11
      Repair Service Establishment 1/300 GFA 11
      Sign Painting Service 1/300 GFA 11
      Taxi-Cab, Limousine Service 1/500 GFA 11
      Vehicle Repair:
       Neighborhood Serving 3/Bay + 1/500 Gross Sales Area 11
       Community Serving 4/Bay + 1/500 Gross Sales Area 11
       Major 4/Bay + 1/250 Gross Sales Area 11
    Industrial Service Establishment 8+11
     Heavy 8+11
     Light 8+11+18
    Research and Development Activity 8+11
    Community Service Uses:
    Civic, Social and Fraternal Organizations/Clubs 1/3 Seats of 1/250 GFA, whichever is greater
    Cultural Facilities 1/400 GFA, not less than 10 spaces
    Correctional Facilities (Community & Major) 9
    Emergency Shelters 9
    Post Offices 8+11
    Public Community Use 1/300 GFA
    Public Use Facilities 9
    Rehabilitation Center 1/250 Gross Office Area
    Residential Treatment Facilities 1/3 Residents + 1/Resident Staff Member + 1/Non-resident Staff Member
    Resource Recovery Facilities 1/500 Gross Office Area 11
    Utility Use (Heavy and Non-Heavy) 1/400 Gross Office Area 11
    Miscellaneous Uses:
    Flea Markets:
     Enclosed 2/Booth or 1/100 GFA
     Open 2/Booth or 1/100 Gross Sales Area
    Lumberyard 1/500 Open Sales/Display Area 11
    Wholesale Trade Establishment 1/1,500 GFA 11
    Waterfront Structures (Commercial) 1/Two Boat Slips or Moorings
    Water Dependent Uses 13
    Open Uses of Land—Light:
      Human 1/3 Seats in Assembly Area
      Pet 1/500 Gross Office Area
     Game Preserve and Outdoor Shooting Ranges 1/200 Gross Office Area
     Land Preserves, Public or Private 1/1000 Gross Office Area
     Tree Farm 1/300 Gross Office Area
     Minor Earthmoving No Requirement
    Open Uses of Land—Heavy:
     Junkyards, landfills and mining 1/300 Gross Office Area 11
     Major Earthmoving No Requirement
    Recreation Uses:
    Passive Recreational Use 6+4+9
    Swimming Pools 1/200 Square Feet of Pool Area 4
    Low Intensity Recreational Use 1/3 Seats or 150 GFA Whichever is Greater 6+4+9
    Tennis Courts 2 Spaces/Court 6+4
    Golf Course 5/Hole 6
    Golf Driving Range 1/Tee Plus Additional, As Necessary, For Other Uses On-site
    High and Medium Intensity Recreational Uses 1/3 Seats or 150 GFA Whichever is Greater 6
    Bowling Alleys 4/Alley 6
    Dancing Establishment 1/60 GFA or 1/2 Seats for Counter Bars, 24 Lineal Inches Shall Count As One (1) Seat 6
    Private Neighborhood Parks/Pool Facilities (Serving 100 Lots/Units or Less) 1 Space Minimum for Parks and 2 Space Minimum for Pools
    Residential Uses:
    Family Care Homes 1/3 Residents + 1/Resident Staff
    Assisted Living Facility 1/3 Residents + 1/Resident Staff
    Group Housing 1/3 Residents + 1/Resident Staff
    Residential Care Facilities 1/3 Residents + 1/Resident Staff
    Mobile Home Parks and Subdivisions 2/Mobile Home 17
    Multiple Family Dwellings 2/Dwelling Unit, plus 1 Space Per 10 Units for Guest Parking
    Single Family Dwellings (attached and detached) 2/Dwelling Unit
    Recreational Vehicle Parks 1 Parking Pad per RV Site 17
    Temporary Living Facilities:
    Temporary Mobile Home While Constructing 2/Dwelling Unit (Spaces Provided for Home Under Construction May Serve as the 2 Required Spaces)
    Duplex Dwellings 2/Dwelling Unit
    Individual Mobile Homes 2/Mobile Home
    Residential Support Uses:
    Church or Other Place of Worship 1/3 Seats in Principal Room of Worship
    College/University (PDP/SP) 9
    Day Care Center, Large 1/Ten Persons 7+11
    Day Care Center, Small 1/Ten Persons 2+11
    Family Day Care Home 1/Five Children 9
    Schools 9
    Transportation Facilities:
    Aircraft Landing Field 13
    Airport 13
    Bus or Train Terminal 13
    Bus, Truck or Train Maintenance Facility 13
    Hazardous Waste Transfer Facility 13
    Heliport & Helistop 13
    Intermodal Terminal 13
    Freight Terminals 13
    Motor Pool Facilities 13
    Railroad Switching/Classification Yard 13
    Warehouse 1/1500 GFA 11
    Warehouse, Mini 1/50 Storage Units or 1/5000 GFA, whichever is greater + 2 Spaces at Manager's Office


    GFA = Gross Floor Area

    Table Notes:

    All references to employees shall be based on the maximum number of employees on the peak shift. Unless otherwise specifically indicated, all square footage shall be based on gross floor area measurement.

    The required amount of parking spaces shall be calculated by adding the "Spaces/Sq. Ft. or Unit of Measure" column and the "Note" column. The following list includes additional parking requirements denoted in the note column.


    Or a minimum of one (1) space for each employee based on the peak shift, whichever is greater.


    Or a minimum of four (4) spaces.


    Enclosed floor area gross, plus one (1) space for each two thousand (2,000) square feet of open sales display lot area.


    Minimum five (5) spaces if not accessory to another use. At service stations and gas pumps, such parking shall be adequate to serve both employees and those customers not obtaining gasoline products.


    Four (4) stacking spaces per each drive-through lane, measured from the speaker board, exclusive of any on-site travel lanes. Five (5) stacking spaces, measured from the drive-thru teller position.


    Restaurants, assembly rooms, theaters, and other similar intensive uses shall be calculated separately for each use for which the floor area exceeds twenty (20) percent of the shopping center gross floor area.


    An on-site service drive.


    Or one (1) space per four hundred (400) square feet of gross office area, plus one (1) space per one thousand (1,000) square feet of the remaining gross floor area.


    Based on a review by the Department Director of each proposal including such factors as the designed capacity of all assembly rooms and meeting areas. The availability of areas on-site that can be used for auxiliary parking in times of peak demand shall also be considered, but in no instance less than one (1) space per full-time employee, plus a sufficient number of spaces to accommodate the greatest anticipated number of people in attendance at the facility at any one time. An independent parking study may be required at the discretion of the Department Director to analyze the parking requirements. Said study shall be prepared by an engineer or architect, cost of which shall be borne by the applicant.


    All grocery stores over twenty thousand (20,000) square feet shall provide an additional six (6) feet in width for all drive aisles directly adjacent to the commercial buildings.


    Plus one (1) space for each company vehicle.


    Plus one (1) space/two hundred (200) square feet of gross non-residential floor area.


    One (1) space per employee, plus one (1) space for each vehicle used in connection with the facility, plus sufficient space to accommodate the largest number of vehicles that may be expected at any one time. An independent parking study may be required at the discretion of the Department Director to analyze the parking requirements. Said study shall be prepared by an engineer or architect, cost of which shall be borne by the applicant.


    Plus one (1) space/one thousand (1,000) square feet for the first ten thousand (10,000) square feet plus one (1) space/each additional three thousand (3,000) square feet.


    One (1) space per one and one-half (1.5) employees on major shifts, plus one (1) space per company vehicle, plus sufficient space to accommodate the largest number of visitors that may be expected at any one time, but with a minimum of one (1) space per one thousand (1,000) square feet of gross floor area.


    All freestanding buildings or shopping centers containing Retail Sales, Neighborhood Convenience uses shall provide a bicycle rack containing a minimum of one (1) bicycle space per one thousand (1,000) square feet GFA for the first ten thousand (10,000) square feet and one (1) per ten thousand (10,000) square feet GFA thereafter.


    In mobile home parks, subdivisions and recreational vehicle parks, required parking for associated clubhouses, activities buildings and other recreational facilities may include up to twenty-five (25) percent of the required parking for said facilities as golf cart parking spaces. An additional twenty-five (25) percent may have a dual car/cart designation. These spaces shall be a minimum of five (5) feet in width and ten (10) feet in depth. These spaces shall be paved, striped and marked "Golf Cart Parking Only" either on the pavement or with appropriate signage.


    For parking facilities greater than one hundred (100) spaces, the number of parking spaces may be reduced by as much as fifteen (15) percent if the owner/tenant creates and implements an operational/permanent commuter assistance program for all employees. This plan shall be submitted to both the Sarasota Manatee Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) and Building and Development Services Department prior to issuance of a certificate of occupancy for the project. The plan shall contain all proposed measures to reduce the need for parking for its employees, including carpooling, vanpooling, etc. A draft of the plan shall be submitted for review at the time of site development plan submittal. For hotels and motels, those that provide shuttle service to and from airports and other community facilities may be eligible to receive a reduction in parking requirements. In order to receive a reduction, the applicant must commit to providing shuttle service, in writing, at the time of site development plan approval. The project area saved by the reduction of parking spaces must be used and maintained for open space. The commuter assistance program plan shall be renewed every two (2) years by the owner/tenant and submitted to the Building and Development Services Department for review and approval. Without renewal of the plan, the owner/tenant shall file an off-street parking plan or revised final site plan within one (1) year of the expiration of the plan to provide the parking spaces credited to the commuter assistance plan.

    (Ord. No. 16-24 , § 3(Exh. A-9), 11-15-16; Ord. No. 17-30 , § 6(Exh. D), 6-7-17; Ord. No. 17-47 , § 3(Exh. A-4), 9-7-17)


    Maximum Parking Permitted. In no case shall the total amount of parking provided exceed 1.1 times the total minimum required spaces, unless the Department Director determines, based on sound planning practices, that additional parking is justified.


    Determination of Required Parking Spaces.


    Employee/Person Measurement Basis. Parking spaces required on any employee/person basis in this Code shall be based on the estimated maximum number of employees/persons on duty or residing, or both, on the premises at any one time


    Multiple Uses on a Site. Where a given use or building contains a combination of uses, parking shall be provided on the basis of the sum of the required spaces for each use, or as provided in Section 1005.5 (Cooperative Parking Facilities).


    Cases of Uncertainty. If there is uncertainty with respect to the amount of parking spaces required by the provisions of this Code, as a result of uncertainty as to the proposed use of a building or lot, the largest requirement for the general type or use that is involved, shall govern.


    Requirements for Unlisted Uses. Where the required number of parking spaces is not set forth for a particular use and there is no similar general type of use listed, the Department Director shall determine the appropriate parking ratio.


    Fractional Measurements. When the calculation of the total number of required off-street parking spaces results in of a fractional space, any fraction up to and including 0.5 shall be disregarded and any fraction over 0.5 shall require a full off-street parking space.


    Basis of Measurement. In hospitals, bassinets shall not count as beds. In stadiums, sports arenas, churches, and other places of public assembly in which occupants utilize benches, pews or other similar seating arrangements, each eighteen (18) linear inches of seating facilities shall be counted as one (1) seat for the purpose of computing off-street parking requirements.


    Bicycle Parking.


    All developments (except for single-family and duplex platted lots) requiring off-street parking shall provide parking for bicycles in accordance with the following standards:


    Multifamily development shall provide the equivalent of ten (10) percent of the required vehicular parking spaces.


    Non-residential developments shall provide bicycle rack spaces as follows:

    Table 10-3: Bicycle Parking Space Requirements

    Required Number of Automobile Parking Spaces Minimum Number of Required
    Bicycle Rack Spaces
    1—40 2
    41—60 3
    61—80 4
    81—100 5
    Over 100 5 plus 1 for each 20 automobile parking spaces over 100, provided that the maximum number of required bicycle spaces shall not exceed 20


    ;hn0; (Ord. No. 16-24 , § 3(Exh. A-9), 11-15-16)

    Editor's note— Ord. No. 16-24 , § 3(Exh. A-9), adopted 11-15-16, added a new Table 10-3 to the Code, however, did not strictly renumber the former Table 10-3. The former Table 10-3 has been renumbered as Table 10-6 at the editor's discretion, for purposes of maintaining Code format.


    Bicycle rack facilities shall meet the following standards:


    Shall be designed to allow each bicycle to be secured against theft.


    Shall be installed in a permanent manner to resist removal.


    Shall be installed to resist damage by rust, corrosion, or vandalism.


    Shall accommodate a range of bicycle shapes and sizes and allow easy locking without interfering with adjacent bicycles.


    Shall not interfere with pedestrian or vehicular movement.

    ( Ord. No. 15-29, § 3(Exh. A), 12-3-15 ; Ord. No. 16-24 , § 3(Exh. A-9), 11-15-16)

    1005.4.   Reduction in Number of Required Parking Spaces.

    Except as provided in Section 1005.7.C, Location of Vehicular Use Areas in required yards, all required off-street parking spaces and associated drive aisles and driveways shall be required on the lot on which it serves and shall not be encroached upon or reduced in any manner except as provided in this section. The following reductions in parking space count and dimensions are allowed, provided the reductions do not cumulatively exceed a total of ten (10) percent for a single use.


    Reduction in Need. The number of required parking spaces may be reduced by the Department Director in an amount which is justified by a reduction in the size or change in the use to which such is appurtenant.


    Replacement with Bicycle Space. Such designated vehicular parking spaces may be reduced by providing designated parking spaces for bicycles, motorbikes and/or motorcycles with signage; but in no event shall such a reduction be allowed on more than five (5) percent of the total number of required spaces, or when the total required parking required is less than twenty-five (25) spaces.


    Preservation of Trees. The number of required parking spaces may be reduced by up to ten (10) percent where necessary to protect existing trees and/or existing natural plant communities, as defined in Section 700, Tree Protection.


    Variations for Known Requirements. The number of required parking spaces may be increased or reduced by the Department Director when actual parking demand is demonstrated to be substantially different than those required in this chapter. The determination shall be based on a parking study provided by the property owner/agent.


    Vehicle Use Areas in the Watershed Overlay Districts. Development within the WP-E and WP-M watershed overlay districts may reduce the number of required parking spaces by a maximum of twenty (20) percent, with sufficient justification provided by the applicant, as stated in Section 1005.5.B.

    1005.5.   Cooperative Parking Facilities.

    Cooperative parking arrangements may be allowed according to the following requirements:


    Legal Arrangements. Required off-street parking spaces may be provided cooperatively for two (2) or more uses on the same site or on contiguous parcels similarly zoned, subject to a joint use parking and access agreement is recorded, and any additional legal requirements that will assure the permanent availability of such spaces, to the satisfaction of the Department Director and the County Attorney.


    Amount. The minimum amount of parking spaces shall equal the sum of the amounts required for the separate uses per Table 10-3, adjusted based on the percentages listed in Table 10-4. The minimum number of spaces required shall be the greater amount resulting from the weekday and weekend calculations. However, in no event shall the number of parking spaces provided be less than fifty percent (50%) of the required spaces according to Table 10-3. Table 10-5 contains an example of cooperative parking within a mixed use development. It shows a reduction of 65 spaces by using the Cooperative Parking matrix to calculate required parking.

    Table 10-4: Cooperative Parking Usage Percentages

    Time Frame 1 am — 7 am 7 am — 6 pm 6 pm — 1 am 1 am — 7 am 7 am — 6 pm 6 pm — 1 am
    Residential/Townhouse 100% 60% 100% 100% 75% 95%
    Flex Space/24-7 reserved parking 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%
    Community/Cultural Center 0% 100% 10% 0% 100% 30%
    Government use 0% 100% 10% 0% 10% 0%
    Day Care Facilities 0% 100% 0% 0% 0% 0%
    Theater/Entertainment 0% 40% 100% 0% 80% 100%
    Office 5% 100% 5% 0% 15% 0%
    Hotel/Motel 100% 55% 90% 100% 55% 90%
    Restaurant* 20% 70% 100% 30% 75% 100%
    Commercial Retail 0% 100% 80% 0% 100% 60%


    * Not 24 hours. ;hn0; (Ord. No. 16-24 , § 3(Exh. A-9), 11-15-16)

    Editor's note— Ord. No. 16-24 , § 3(Exh. A-9), adopted 11-15-16, renumbered the former Table 10-4 as Table 10-7 and enacted a new Table 10-4 as set out herein.

    Table 10-5: Cooperative Parking Matrix Example

    USE Units/SF (1,000) Total Required per
    Use (Table 4-3)
    Less Handicap* Subtotal WEEKDAY WEEKEND
    1am — 7am Spaces 7am — 6pm Spaces 6pm — 1am Spaces 1am — 7am Spaces 7am — 6pm Spaces 6pm — 1am Spaces
    2 Bedroom Apt 52 104 5 99 100% 99 60% 59 100% 99 100% 99 75% 74 95% 94
    Office 15 50 2 48 5% 2 100% 48 5% 2 0% 0 15% 7 0% 0
    Retail 10 40 2 38 0% 0 100% 38 80% 30 0% 0 100% 38 60% 23
    Restaurant 7 70 3 67 20% 13 70% 47 100% 67 30% 20 75% 50 100% 67
    Totals 264 12 252 - 115 - 192 - 199 - 119 - 170 - 184


    * No reductions allowed for handicap parking spaces. ;hn0; (Ord. No. 16-24 , § 3(Exh. A-9), 11-15-16)


    Cooperative Parking within the WP-E, WP-M Watershed Overlay Districts. Cooperative parking arrangements shall be encouraged within both the WP-E and WP-M overlay districts between similar adjacent uses, except where crossing a street will be necessary. An additional five (5) percent reduction in the number of required spaces may be allowed above the allowable ten (10) percent reduction, if a cooperative parking agreement is submitted and approved by the Department Director. The Department Director shall review the proposed design, adequacy of the proposed number of parking spaces, public safety, circulation and other traffic-related issues. The area not utilized for parking shall be used for open space.

    (Ord. No. 16-24 , § 3(Exh. A-9), 11-15-16)

    1005.6.   Location of Parking Spaces.


    Location of Parking. All required parking facilities shall be located on the same lot as the structure or use to which they are accessory, or on an adjoining lot under the same ownership, and the parking use so stipulated as an easement in a recorded deed; and,


    On land which has the same zoning classification as the land on which the structure or use to which they are accessory, or a zoning classification which allows such principal structure or use as a Permitted or Conditional Use; and,


    On land in the same ownership as the structure or use to which they are accessory.


    Notwithstanding paragraph A, The Department Director may allow an alternative location on land of the same ownership and zoning for off-street parking facilities provided that:


    The proposed arrangement will not cause any pedestrian or vehicular traffic hazards or congestion;


    The proposed location will not require pedestrian movement across any arterial or major collector street;


    The alternative location has the same zoning classification as the land on which the structure or use to which the parking is accessory, or a zoning classification which allows such principal structure or use as a permitted or conditional use;


    The alternative location includes no more than ten (10) percent of the required off-street parking;


    All spaces are within three hundred (300) feet of the principal entrance of the use they are intended to serve; and


    A recorded easement stipulates the parking arrangement.


    This section does not preclude the use of or the development of on-street parking. The applicability, location, and utilization of on-street parking shall be determined by the Department Director on a case-by-case basis.

    1005.7.   Parking Lot Design.


    Dimensional Requirements. All off-street parking areas shall comply with the Manatee County Public Works Standards, but in no event shall the required dimensions be less than those presented in Table 10-3 and Figure 10-1. Handicap parking spaces shall be designed and provided in accordance with F.S § 316.1955, the Americans with Disabilities Act.

    Table 10-6: Parking Dimensional Standards

    Parking Angle (degrees) Standard Stall Width (feet) Stall Depth Perpendicular to Aisle (feet) (B 1 /B 2 ) Curb Length Parallel to Aisle (feet) (C) Aisle Width One (1)-Way Traffic (feet) (A) Aisle Width Two (2)-Way Traffic (feet) (A)
    0 9 —/23 23 12 24
    30 9 13.4/17.3 18 12 -
    45 9 16.6/19.8 12.7 15 -
    60 9 18.7/21.0 10.4 18 -
    75 9 19.5/20.7 9.3 21 -
    90 9 —/19 9.0 - 24


    (Ord. No. 16-24, § 3(Exh. A-9), 11-15-16)

    Editor's note— See the editor's note to Table 10-3.

    Figure 10-1: Off-street Parking Area Dimensions


    Compact Spaces. Compact spaces may be provided having a minimum width of eight-and-one-half (8.5) feet and containing not less than one hundred fifty-three (153) square feet for compact cars. Each compact car space shall be so identified by signage. For each compact car space, eighteen (18) square feet shall be provided in landscaped area in addition to that area required by the provisions of Section 701, Landscaping, with a proportional equivalent amount of trees and shrubs. No more than twenty-five (25) percent of required spaces shall be compact car spaces.


    Location of Vehicular Use Areas.


    Vehicle use areas, including parking spaces and drive-aisles that are located on the ground and are open to the sky, may be located in any required yard but not nearer to any lot line than eight (8) feet.


    Parking structures and carports shall be subject to the applicable minimum zoning district yard requirements.


    Parking spaces shall be so arranged that backing of a vehicle from a parking space into the driveway access or egress is avoided to the extent feasible.


    No parking space or drive aisle shall be constructed closer than five (5) feet to any building unless it is completely under the building, an attached carport, an enclosed garage, or at a drive-thru service lane.


    Parking spaces shall not be located in the following:


    In a drainage easement, unless allowed through an easement encroachment affidavit;


    In front of dumpsters;


    In pedestrian ways;


    In fire lanes;


    In a loading space;


    In a turning radius for a loading space;


    In a visibility triangle; or


    In locations impeding proper traffic flow or maneuvering of other vehicles.


    Circulation. Provisions shall be made for safe and convenient pedestrian and vehicular traffic movements within and adjacent to the site, with particular emphasis on parking layout, off-street loading and unloading and on the movement of people, goods and vehicles upon access roads and drive aisles within the site, between buildings or structures and between buildings and vehicles.


    All off-street parking shall be provided with safe and convenient access to a street. Spaces shall be so arranged that no maneuvering directly incidental to entering or leaving a parking space shall be on any public or private street, alley, walkway, or landscaped area; and that all vehicles shall enter the street in forward manner. Vehicles must be able to enter, park and exit the property without difficulty. On non-residential properties, arrows, ground signs, building signs or painted lines on the ground to control the traffic flow may be required.


    Backing onto a public or private travel lane is prohibited, except from single family dwellings and duplexes.


    Drive aisles with angled parking on each side (30 degrees, 45 degrees, 60 degrees, 75 degrees) shall be limited to twenty (20) spaces without intersecting drive aisles.


    There shall be a twelve-foot long and twenty-foot wide turning area beyond the last parking stall in any dead end drive aisle, to allow proper maneuvering of a vehicle backing out of the last parking stall.


    Multiple Stacking of Spaces. Each space shall be so arranged that any automobile may be moved without moving another, except for valet parking, single-family and duplex dwellings.


    Pedestrian Safety. All off-street parking facilities, including drive aisles, travel lanes, and driveways shall be so arranged as to minimize hazards to pedestrian movement in the immediate area or encroach upon fire lanes, walkways, and visibility triangles. Pedestrians must be protected from exiting a building into vehicular traffic in an emergency. The applicant shall provide a walkway or a protected area for this purpose with a minimum width of the doorway plus five (5) feet beyond the swing of the door. All exit discharges from buildings shall be protected by permanent means to insure pedestrian areas are protected from vehicular encroachment.


    Pedestrian Safety Zones. Within parking areas over one hundred (100) spaces for commercial uses, paved pedestrian walkways at least six (6) feet in width shall be provided at two hundred (200) foot intervals. Such walkways may be interrupted by necessary drive aisles, but shall include adequate wheel chair ramps, if necessary. Wheel stops shall be so placed to prevent any portion of the vehicle to encroach upon the pedestrian safety zone.


    Waste Storage Facilities Location. The siting for waste storage facilities and dumpster pads shall not encroach upon a parking space, pedestrian walkway landscaped area, fire lane, driveway entrance, rights-of-way, visibility triangle, or easement. The turning radii for the waste hauler at the waste storage facility or dumpster pad shall not encroach upon a parking space, pedestrian walkway, landscape area, driveway entrance, or rights-of-way.

    1005.8.   Modifications to Existing Parking Lots.

    Whenever a parking lot or vehicular use area is the subject of any of the following modifications, an off-street parking plan shall be submitted for approval by the Department Director.


    Alteration of circulation patterns on-site;


    A change in driveway location;


    Any increase or decrease in the number of parking spaces;


    An increase in impervious surface of five hundred (500) square feet or more; or


    A change in dumpster location.

    The off-street parking plan shall accurately illustrate the required off-street parking spaces, access, dimensions, general layout, percentage of impervious surface, and drainage calculations. This plan shall conform to all applicable requirements of Chapter 8 and the Manatee County Public Works Standards. If a final site plan is required for the development, then the final site plan shall serve as the off-street parking plan.

    Single family and duplex dwellings are exempt from this requirement.

    1005.9.   Fire Access Requirements.

    Within any non-residential zoning district, parking of vehicles shall not interfere with access by the Fire District to the structure for fighting fires, to a fire hydrant or fire department sprinkler or standpipe connections, or other public safety related emergencies. Therefore, the Fire Marshal of the applicable fire district shall designate a reasonable area(s) leading to and adjacent to said structures and hydrants as fire lanes as follows:


    The Fire Marshal shall notify, in writing, the owner of the property involved that a fire lane has been designated and the extent of the fire lane(s).


    Not later than thirty (30) days after the receipt of notice in writing, the owner shall cause to be placed or erected, signs and markers along the designated fire lane which shall declare to all persons, the existence of the fire lane.


    Fire lanes shall be required next to all buildings and fire protection devices in accordance with the Manatee County Public Works Standards and approved by the Fire Marshall.


    No person shall park a vehicle in any fire lane designated as such pursuant to this Section, nor within fifteen (15) feet of any fire hydrant or fire department standpipe or sprinkler connection. No person shall at any time block access to the designated fire lane(s) or fire department standpipe or sprinkler connection. Any person violating the terms of this provision shall be deemed to have committed a traffic infraction


    No owner of property where on a fire lane has been designated shall alter or remove the designated fire lanes, fire lane signs, or markers without prior written consent of the Fire Marshal.


    These Sections shall be enforced in accordance with Chapter 1 and applicable laws. Provided, however, that no person shall be deemed to have violated the provisions of this section regarding the parking infraction, unless signs or markers were conspicuously posted designating the area in which the vehicle was parked as being a fire lane.

    1005.10.   Landscaping.

    All off-street parking facilities shall comply with the landscaping requirements of Section 701, Landscaping. All interior portions of off-street parking facilities not utilized specifically as a parking space, maneuvering, fire lane, or other necessary vehicular use area shall not be paved, but shall be landscaped in accordance with Section 701, Landscaping.

    1005.11.   Construction and Maintenance.

    All off-street parking facilities, including drive aisles, travel lanes, and driveways, except single-family residences in the "A" and "A-1" zoning districts shall be constructed and maintained in accordance with the Manatee County Public Works Standards.

    The Department Director may approve the utilization of perforated type paver blocks or grassed parking areas for a portion of the required number of vehicular parking spaces for churches or other places of worship, for places of public assembly for meetings or other events, and for temporary uses; where it is clear that such grassed surface and perforated type paver blocks can be adequately maintained due to the infrequency of use, and that adequate permanent traffic control means will be provided to direct vehicular flow and parking, and that paved parking will be provided for all weekday employees and visitors. Each parking space within the grassed parking area shall be delineated with wheel stops, drive aisle pavement markings, vertical markers or some other means of delineating the spaces.

    1006.1.   Applicability.

    All non-residential buildings built or erected and all uses established after the effective date of this Code shall provide accessory off-street loading space. When an existing structure or use is expanded in floor area, volume, or capacity, accessory off-street loading space shall be provided in accordance with this section for the area, or capacity of such expansion.

    1006.2.   Off-street Loading Plans Required.

    Site plans submitted to the County for approval for any use or structure shall accurately designate the required off-street loading spaces, maneuvering areas, access, dimensions, clearance, and general layout.

    1006.3.   Use Limitations.

    No motor vehicle repair work, gasoline or oil facilities, except emergency service, shall be permitted in association with any required off-street loading activity. There shall be no storage of material or equipment, display of merchandise, long term storage of containerized facilities in any loading dock area.

    1006.4.   Number of Loading Spaces Required.

    Off-street loading spaces accessory to a use shall be provided in accordance with Table 10-4. If there is uncertainty with respect to the amount of loading spaces required by this Code, the maximum requirement for the general type of use allowed in that district shall govern and shall be determined by the Department Director. Where the required number of loading spaces is not set forth for a particular use in the following paragraphs, and where there is no similar general type of use listed, the Department Director shall determine the basis of the number of spaces to be provided.

    (Ord. No. 16-24 , § 3(Exh. A-9), 11-15-16)

    Table 10-7: Loading Space Uses

    Retail Sales and Service, Restaurants, or Similar Uses 1,000 - 20,000 1
    20,001 - 40,000 2
    Each additional 20,000 square feet or fraction 1
    Offices, Hotels, Boatels, Hospitals, Nursing Homes, Adult Congregate Living Facilities, or Similar Uses 30,000 - 100,000 1
    Each additional 100,000 square feet or fraction 1
    Arenas, Auditoriums, Stadiums, Convention Centers, Exhibition Halls, Museums, or Similar Uses 10,000 - 50,000 1
    50,001 - 100,000 2
    Over 100,000 4
    Agricultural Processing, Lumberyard, Any Industrial Use and any Wholesale, Retail, and Non-residential Storage Facility or Similar Uses 15,000 - 40,000 1
    40,001 - 100,000 2
    100,001 - 150,000 3
    Each additional 80,000 square feet or fractions 1


    ;hn0; (Ord. No. 16-24 , § 3(Exh. A-9), 11-15-16; Ord. No. 17-30 , § 6(Exh. D), 9-7-17)

    Editor's note— See editor's note to Table 10-4.

    1006.5.   Cooperative Loading Facilities.

    Required off-street loading spaces may be provided cooperatively for two (2) or more uses, subject to an easement and arrangements that will assure the permanent availability of such spaces. Where a given use or building on the same lot contains a combination of uses, as set forth in the following paragraphs, loading facilities shall be provided in such a manner as to encourage combined usage of facilities.

    1006.6.   Reduction in Required Loading Spaces.

    Required off-street loading spaces shall not be encroached upon or reduced in any manner, except that the Department Director may approve a reduction based on a change in the size or nature of the use served.

    1006.7.   Location of Loading Facilities.


    Required Loading Space. All required off-street loading spaces shall be located on the same lot as the use served; provided that the Department Director may waive such location requirement based on the nature of the use served.


    Location. No loading space or berth shall be located within forty (40) feet of the nearest point of intersection of the edges of the travel way or the curbs of any two (2) streets. The surfaced portions of all loading areas, excluding driveways, shall observe a twenty-foot setback from all front lot lines, a ten-foot setback from all other lot lines, and visibility triangles.

    1006.8.   Loading Facility Design.


    Required Dimensions. All off-street loading areas shall be designed in accordance with Manatee County Public Works Standards; but in no event shall the required dimensions be less than fifteen (15) feet wide, thirty-five (35) feet long, and fifteen (15) feet high, except that where one (1) such loading space has been provided, any additional loading space lying alongside, contiguous to, and not separated from such first loading space need not be wider than twelve (12) feet. All maneuvering areas shall have a minimum vertical clearance of fifteen (15) feet.


    Maneuvering. The required off-street loading area shall not be used to accommodate the required maneuvering area of any off-street parking facilities.


    Circulation. To the extent feasible, no loading area shall be so located as to interfere with the free circulation of pedestrian and vehicles in any off-street area.


    Access. Each off-street loading space shall be provided with safe and convenient access to a street, without the necessity of crossing or entering any other required loading space.


    Street Side Access. If a loading space is located contiguous to a street, the street side access of the loading space shall be provided only through driveway openings in the curb of such dimension, location and construction as may be approved by the Building and Development Services Department.


    Marked Spaces. Loading spaces shall be painted with diagonal stripes and marked "Loading Only."


    Leaving and Entering. Loading spaces shall be so arranged that no maneuvering, directly incidental to entering or leaving a loading space, shall be on any street, alley, walkway, fire lane, parking space, or landscaped area.


    Pedestrian Safety. The exit discharge at the loading dock area shall be arranged as to minimize hazards to pedestrian movement in the immediate area.


    Landscaping. All off-street loading areas shall comply with the provisions of screening and buffering outlined in Section 701, Landscaping as necessary to protect adjacent property and rights-of-way. Loading spaces, berths, associated maneuvering areas and driveways shall be arranged and designed so as to prevent damage to such screening measures.

    1006.9.   Construction.

    All off-street loading areas including drive aisles and driveways shall be constructed and maintained with an all-weather dustless surface, in accordance with Manatee County Public Works Standards.