§ 300. Board of County Commissioners.  

Latest version.
  • As the governing board of the County, the Board of County Commissioners reserves all powers to be exercised under this Code except where otherwise delegated pursuant to the provisions hereof. In addition to any authority granted to the Board by state law or the Code of Ordinances of Manatee County, the Board shall have the following powers and duties in regard to this Land Development Code:


    To approve, approve with modifications, or deny applications for development approval for Developments of Regional Impact (DRI's) and Florida Quality Developments (FQD), and to issue Development Orders in accordance with the Board's decision;


    To enter into development agreements, as provided for in this chapter and as provided in F.S. § 163.3220;


    To approve and execute final plats and replats prior to recording, as provided in this chapter;


    To vacate and annul plats, as required by F.S. § 177.101;


    To approve, approve with modifications or deny site plans in planned development zoning districts, where no plan currently exists, or an approved plan is requested to be modified as provided in Section 321.5.


    To adopt and amend the Official Zoning Atlas after recommendation by the Planning Commission as provided in this chapter;


    To initiate, review and adopt amendments after recommendation of the Planning Commission to the text of the Land Development Code as provided in this chapter;


    To employ hearing officers to make recommended findings of fact, conclusions of law, final decisions on special permit uses, appeals from determinations regarding levels of service, and such other decisions as the Board may deem appropriate;


    To hold public hearings regarding DRI's, FQDs, development agreements, amendments to the Official Zoning Atlas, and amendments to the Land Development Code;


    To set such fees as necessary to implement the provisions of this Code;


    To take such other action not delegated to decision-making and administrative bodies designated in this chapter as the Board may deem desirable and necessary to implement the provisions of this Code and the Comprehensive Plan;


    To hear and decide appeals when it is alleged that there is error in any order, requirement, decision, determination made by any administrative official acting pursuant to this Code, except where state or County regulations or this Code specifically provide otherwise;


    To hear and decide requests for interpretation of the Official Zoning Atlas where there is uncertainty as to the location of a zoning district boundary.


    To interpret this Code at the request of the Department Director;


    To review and approve Environmental Preserve Management Plans; and


    Vacation or abandonment of streets, as provided in this chapter.