Manatee County |
Land Development Code |
§ 321. General Development Plans (GDP).
General development plans shall be designed to show the general location and nature of a project and existing site conditions, outlining the type and intensity of land use and principal improvements.
321.1. Application Requirements.
A General Development Plan shall depict internal relationships between or among uses and activities proposed and their supporting systems and facilities, and relation to surrounding uses, activities systems and facilities. A General Development Plan shall include all data reasonably necessary for determining whether the proposed development meets the specific requirements and limitations and the intent, concerning a particular type of Planned Development district. Specific items to be included in the plan include:
Proposed Uses. Each use listed in the application must be a permitted or accessory use in the requested Planned Development district and shall be listed using the terminology used in this Code. The range of permitted uses may be limited or certain uses not permitted by the Board at the time of General Development Plan approval as it is necessary to meet the criteria set forth in Section 322.2.
Large Projects, Developments of Regional Impact. For large projects, DRI's and County Facilities, a proposed phasing schedule for the submittal of future Preliminary or Final Site Plans shall be included with the application. Such schedule shall provide for a logical division of the units and/or square footage between the phases. The approval of such schedule shall authorize the applicant to apply for construction drawing and final site plan approval in phases, so long as each preliminary site plan has not expired at the time of application. The timing of approvals for each phase of project approval within a preliminary site plan shall be subject to the requirements of Section 321.5 (Expiration and Extensions of General Development Plan).
Additional information. Additional information including, but not limited to market studies, tree surveys, topographical surveys, and view perspectives where view protection is an objective, may be requested by the Department Director, when necessary to review a particular General Development Plan. Such information, if requested by the Director, shall be provided before processing the application.
321.2. General Development Plan (GDP) Review Process.
Pre-Application Meeting. The applicant is strongly encouraged to schedule and attend a first-step meeting consistent with the requirements of this Chapter.
Application Submittal. The application shall be submitted per this Chapter. If the proposed development also requires Special Permit approval, the applications for GDP and Special Permit may be submitted concurrently.
DRC Review. The DRC must review the GDP in accordance with the provisions of this Chapter.
Planning Commission Review. Upon issuance of the written comments by the DRC, the General Development Plan shall be scheduled for a quasi-judicial hearing before the Planning Commission.
Board of County Commissioner Review. The Board shall conduct a quasi-judicial hearing on the plan per the requirements of this Chapter.
(Ord. No. 16-24 , § 3(Exh. A-3), 11-15-16)
321.3. Review Criteria.
In deciding whether to recommend for approval, approval with modifications or denial of a proposed GDP, the approving authority shall consider whether the proposed plan is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan and this Code. In making such determination, the approving authority shall consider the approval criteria particular for each PD district, contained in Chapter 4.
321.4. Effect of GDP Approval.
Upon approval of a General Development Plan, the applicant may proceed with the submittal of Preliminary and Final Site Plans or, in the case of subdivisions, the submittal of a Preliminary Plat/Plan.
321.5. Expiration and Extensions of General Development Plans.
General Development Plans in effect as of January 1, 2012 shall not expire, notwithstanding any stipulations to the contrary in any ordinances approving a general development plan. General Development Plans shall not contain an expiration date unless otherwise provided for in the development order approving the general development plan or a local development agreement. The build out dates in development orders for developments of regional impact are governed by the Florida Statutes and are not amended by this Code.
Extensions to expiration dates for plans initially approved by the Board may only be granted only by the Board. The Extensions to expiration dates for plans initially approved by the Department Director may only be granted by the Department Director.