§ 333. Preliminary Plat Review Procedures.  

Latest version.
  • 333.1.   Purpose.

    The purpose of a preliminary plat review is to provide the County with sufficient information at an early stage of a major subdivision in order to permit alterations in plans as may be required prior to the developer preparing construction plans and a final subdivision plat; and prior to the County expending significant amounts of time reviewing incomplete or substandard plat applications. Developments that require both General Development Plan and Preliminary Plat approval may be submitted for concurrent review.

    333.2.   Preliminary Plat Review Process.


    Pre-Application Meeting. The applicant is strongly encouraged, but not required, to attend a pre-application meeting as provided for in Section 312.2.


    Application Submittal. Applications for preliminary plat review shall be submitted to the Department Director for review and approval in accordance with Section 312.3. If the proposed project triggers the thresholds for General Development Plan review, the applicant may submit the GDP and preliminary plat applications concurrently.

    The preliminary plat shall be clearly and legibly drawn to scale showing sufficient information about the subdivision to form a clear basis for discussion of its problems and for the preparation of the construction drawings and final plat. Such information shall address in sufficient detail all the items required by Code. In addition, the general information required to be submitted as part of the preliminary subdivision plat shall include the location and classification of any proposed changes in zoning on the site. A preliminary subdivision plat shall be prepared under the direction of a professional land surveyor, engineer, architect or landscape architect, in accordance with the laws and regulations set forth by the State of Florida.


    Development Review Committee. The Development Review Committee shall review the request in accordance with Section 312.5.


    Review by the Department Director. The Department Director shall review and approve, approve with conditions, or disapprove the preliminary plat, furnishing the developer a statement in writing of its reasons for any disapproval. The acquisition of necessary rights and the presentation of complete and correct information to the Department Director are responsibilities of the applicant and the failure to do so, including the failure or inability to obtain all necessary permits, licenses, releases or rights may constitute a reason for disapproval and/or rescission of approval of the prepared subdivision plat.

    (Ord. No. 16-24 , § 3(Exh. A-3), 11-15-16)

    333.3.   Phased Development.


    Delineation of Phases. Any subdivision project involving phased development shall be identified as such on a preliminary subdivision plat. The preliminary plat shall designate the limits of the various construction phases and the proposed detailed development schedule. When preliminary plats are submitted separately for each phase, the developer shall also submit a plan, for general informational purposes, showing all phases, phase lines, and other information to clearly represent the proposed project.


    Phasing Identification. All projects shall identify phasing on their plats consistent with the numbering and titles listed below from the largest unit/increment to the smallest:


    Phase - Roman Numeral (i.e. III).


    Sub phase - Capital Letter (i.e. G).


    Unit - Number (i.e. 8).


    Subunit - Small Case letter (i.e. j).


    Tract - Number (i.e. 6).


    Independent Operation. All construction phases in a development shall be capable of operating independently with respect to drainage, circulation, utilities, and other applicable public facilities and services; provided however, the County may permit the posting of performance security to guarantee the installation of recreational facilities and similar improvements to serve particular phases of the development at a later time.

    333.4.   Effect of Approval.

    Approval of a preliminary plat by the Department Director shall not constitute approval of the final plat, nor authorize recording of the plat, nor effect the acceptance of any land or improvements proposed to be dedicated to the County. Upon approval or approval with conditions, the applicant may proceed to the construction drawings approval stage.

    333.5.   Expiration of Preliminary Plats.

    Preliminary Plats shall expire within one (1) year, unless the applicant submits construction drawings. If a Certificate of Level of Service was obtained in conjunction with the Preliminary Plat, the expiration of the preliminary plat shall be three (3) years from approval date.

    Phase and plat timing for DRI's and Large Projects shall be consistent with the requirements found in Sections 348 and 349.

    333.6.   Graphic Standards.

    Preliminary subdivision plats shall include the following information:


    The project name, boundaries, north arrow, legend and scales shall be indicated on each plan. The date drawn and revision dates shall be indicated on the subdivision plat.


    The name of the plat shall be shown in bold legible letters of uniform size and type, including the words "section," "unit," "replat," "amended," etc., although the latter need not be in bold letters of the same size as the basic name. The name of the subdivision shall be shown on each sheet. A prominent "North Arrow" shall be drawn on every sheet including showing any portion of the lands subdivided.


    The first sheet shall indicate the location and classification of zoning on the site; total acreage of the site; total number of lots, specified by type of intended use; and gross residential acreage.


    Names and address of record owner and applicant and the subdivision designer, engineer, and land surveyor shall be provided on the plat. In addition, any citation and general description of any existing covenants, private restrictions, easements and rights-of-way affecting the use and development of the property, including the Section, Township, Range, and if in a land grant, the plat will so state. The application shall include a complete legal description of the property.


    The plans shall be at a scale of one inch equals fifty (50) feet (1" = 50′) or such other scale as the County may accept to show details clearly and adequately. In all cases, the scale used shall be of sufficient size to show all detail. Sheet sizes shall not exceed twenty-four (24) inches by thirty-six (36) inches. If multiple sheets are used, they shall be accompanied by an index sheet showing the entire development with a key plan on each sheet properly orientated and a title box on each sheet properly labeled.


    All contiguous properties shall be identified by subdivision title, plat book, and page, or, if unplatted, land shall be so designated.


    The one hundred (100) year Floodplain and floodway within the subject project with references noted with respect to the panel number from the Flood Insurance Study shall be shown on the Subdivision Plat.


    The twenty-five (25) year floodplain within the subject project (see requirements in Section 801.3) shall be shown on the Subdivision Plat.


    Location of waterways and water bodies existing within and adjacent to the subdivision.