§ 334. Construction Drawings.  

Latest version.
  • 334.1.   General Requirements.

    Construction drawings, which provide detailed technical information on all site improvements prior to actual construction, are required to ensure that development will be in conformance with County Codes and any conditions of the approved development. The completeness and adequacy of the construction drawings shall be determined by the Department Director based on the type of development approval required. Construction drawings shall be prepared and certified by an engineer, except as exempted by Chapter 471, Florida Statutes, and shall conform to the requirements of the Manatee County Development Standards and the requirements of this Code.

    334.2.   Construction Drawings Not Required.

    The review and approval of construction drawings will not be required when:


    No improvements are required by this Code, or


    Only rights-of-way, drainage, or utility easements are required by this Code, provided that such rights-of-way shall be dedicated and easements granted to the County by plat or separate instrument, or


    The only improvements required by this Code are usually installed by the County and the developer has paid or posted security for such improvements.

    334.3.   Review Procedures.

    Prior to or concurrently with submission of the final plat, the developer shall submit construction drawings to the Department Director for the installation of required improvements for the entire subdivision; or approved construction phase, if part of an approved phasing plan. The construction drawings shall be submitted and approved prior to commencing any site work, grading, or other on-site construction activities connected with the development, except brush removal in connection with surveying. If submitted in conjunction with or in advance of a Final Site Plan for a Planned Development project, no site work may commence until such Final Site Plan has been approved.

    Within sixty (60) days after receipt of complete construction drawings, the Department Director will approve, approve with conditions, or disapprove the construction drawings, stating in writing any reasons for disapproval. The approval of the construction plans shall be subject to the approvals and permits by other necessary state and federal agencies. Construction drawing approval shall not be granted unless the applicant has secured a valid certificate of level of service compliance.

    334.4.   Review Criteria.

    Construction drawings duly submitted to the Department Director during the effective period of the preliminary plat approval shall conform to such approved plat, including any conditions, and shall state that all work shall be subject to the County's regulations and development standards in effect at the time of such plat approval. Construction drawings shall be approved by the Department Director for major subdivisions which comply with the requirements of the preliminary plat approval, Manatee County Development Standards and this Code.

    334.5.   Effect of Approval.

    Upon the written approval of the construction drawings by the Department Director, the developer shall schedule an inspection pursuant to Section 337.3 of this Code. After obtaining a pre-construction inspection by the Department Director, the developer may commence site development and the installation of improvements, provided that all guarantees required by Section 337 of this Code have been approved and posted. This approval shall not constitute approval to commence any construction which is subject to separate approval required by other federal, State, and local development codes including the Florida Building Code.

    Prior to commencement of construction activities authorized with the approved construction drawings, an Erosion and Sediment Control Plan (ESCP) shall be approved.

    334.6.   Expiration.

    Construction drawings shall expire three (3) years after approval of the construction drawings.

    334.7.   Required Improvements.

    No development in the County shall be approved unless adequate assurance as stipulated under Section 337 is provided that the improvements required under this Code will be installed in accordance with professional engineering standards.

    334.8.   Design Requirements for Construction Drawings.


    Preparation. Construction Drawings shall be prepared and certified for all required improvements by an engineer, except as exempted by F.S. ch. 471. Plans shall be drawn at a scale no smaller than one (1) inch equals fifty (50) feet, unless otherwise specifically authorized in writing by the Department Director. All revisions shall be prepared and submitted as required for original drawings. All drawings shall be proofread, clear, legible, and complete with all necessary plans, details, sections required to represent a complete set of engineered drawings. Incomplete drawings may be rejected and returned to the applicant for resubmission. Within sixty (60) days after receipt of complete construction drawings, the Department Director will approve, approve with conditions, or disapprove the construction drawings, stating in writing any reasons for disapproval.




    An accurate vicinity map shall be included on the construction plans, at a scale not less than one inch equals one mile (1" = 1 mile), which shows the site in relationship to its surroundings. The vicinity map shall include the rights-of-way lines of all proposed streets in the subdivision and their location in relation to one or more existing streets, or portions thereof, in the immediate vicinity which is shown and readily identifiable, as to locus on the County map.


    The construction plans shall show:


    The location of the property with respect to contiguous development, together with the existing zoning on adjoining property, and existing land uses adjacent to the property at a scale 100 feet = one inch minimum.


    The name, location and width of existing or platted streets, street rights-of-way within or contiguous to the site.


    The approximate location, size and depths of sewers, water mains, storm drains, electric power and cable and other underground facilities, within or contiguous to the site.


    The location and width of easements for all above and below ground utilities, including electric power and cable lines, within and adjacent to the site.


    Topographic contours at one-foot intervals, based on Mean Sea Level datum for the site and a minimum of fifty (50) feet beyond the property line for a single lot development and one hundred (100) feet beyond the limits of the site for subdivisions. Topographic survey information shall be furnished by a professional land surveyor which meets the minimum requirements as set forth in Chapter 21-HH-6, of the Florida Administrative Code. The survey must have been made within the last ten (10) years.


    Major existing site features, such as stone walls, fences, buildings, identifiable historical sites, and special attention should be given to noting physical features which define the boundaries of the subdivision.


    The type and location of trees, and native vegetation as defined in Section 700, Tree Protection, within six (6) feet of, or within the limits of clearing; the type and approximate location of other trees more than four (4) inches DBH.


    The twenty-five (25) year floodplain (see Section 801.3.P), the one hundred (100) year floodplain (see Section 802), watercourses, wetlands, and other significant and natural features.


    Existing stormwater management facilities, and drainage structures.


    Existing easements, both public and private.


    Required Improvements. The improvement requirements of this Section, shall apply only to subdivisions requiring a final subdivision plat. All improvements required by this Code shall be installed by and at the expense of the developer, as required by the Department Director in accordance with professional engineering standards.


    Plans shall show the overall project street layout, with street names and all traffic control signage as per the Manatee County Public Works Standards. Profiles on the lines of proposed streets and fifty (50) feet beyond, at a horizontal scale of 1" = 50′ and a vertical scale of 1" = 5′, or such other scales acceptable to the Planning Department. All elevations shall refer to NGVD of 1929 datum. Profiles shall also include the location of any intersecting public or private streets, and the location, material and size of proposed storm water management facilities, water mains, and sewers and their appurtenances; street lighting; and other underground utilities to be placed in the rights-of-way. The proposed topographic contours shall be at the same scale as the existing topographic contours. The exterior lines of existing streets ingressing to the subdivision and existing utility lines and appurtenances or easements shall be shown on the plan to clearly indicate location of proposed connections.


    On the same sheet, there shall be drawn typical cross sections of the proposed street, properly located and identified by station number, at such intervals along the streets as will adequately indicate any variations in its section, supplemented, where necessary, by lines on the layout plan showing the width and location of proposed roadways, sidewalks, and similar physical features.


    Utility and highway construction details shall be shown.


    Storm drainage system construction details shall be shown.


    Any special construction and safety details including guardrails or other pertinent information, as necessary, to construct the project based on the proposed design.


    Names of all streets, location of all proposed buildings and other structures, parking areas, loading areas, and other pedestrian and vehicular use areas, yards and open spaces.


    Any special construction features, deviating from or not covered by Manatee County Public Works Standards shall be shown on detail drawings. Such detail drawings may be incorporated as part of a utility plan or profile or may be shown on a separate sheet or sheets; and shall provide information as to dimensions, location, elevations, cross sections, materials, etc., of the construction details involved. The requirement for detail drawings shall be applicable, but not limited to, culverts, structurally stabilized slopes, utility piping encased in concrete, ditches and brooks shaped or constructed to a definite cross section, spillways, and similar construction features.


    A plan with a suitable scale, satisfactory to the Department Director, outlining the entire drainage basin which includes the subject development therein shall be submitted indicating surface water flow to the development, within the development and impact after exiting the development. The plan shall cross reference the drainage calculations. Both the twenty-five (25) year floodplain (see Section 801.3.P) and the one hundred (100) year floodplain shall be shown.


    Traffic sight distances, vertical and horizontal, for all intersections within the project and for the rights-of-way adjoining the project, at the location for ingress or egress, shall be shown.


    Details showing connections to existing and proposed utility systems.


    Easements required for any purpose including access easements for maintenance purposes.


    The following information shall be provided in graphic or narrative form, as necessary, to satisfy the requirements set forth below.


    Computation sheets or other closure method showing closure of boundary surveys in accordance with Section 800, shall accompany submission of Final Plats.


    All calculations and descriptions, prepared by an engineer, needed to show evidence of compliance with Section 801, Stormwater Management, and Section 802, Floodplain Management.


    Type and location of any erosion and sedimentation controls to be used during the construction process.


    All calculations and descriptions, prepared by an engineer, used in sizing water and sewer mains, including any impact on existing systems and fire flow requirements.


    All plans, calculations, and descriptions necessary to show that the sewage disposal system is in compliance with all applicable requirements of the HRS/Manatee County Public Health Unit and the Florida Administrative Code Chapter 10D-6.


    All plans, calculations, and descriptions necessary to show that the potable water supply system is in compliance with all applicable requirements of the Manatee County Health Department, Environmental Health Services and the Florida Administrative Code Chapters 62-532, 62-555 and 17-22.


    Cost estimates for completion of all required improvements to be covered by performance security shall be prepared by an engineer for all required improvements, or bids by two (2) reputable bondable contractors. Cost estimates shall be submitted prior to approval and acceptance of all performance bonds and defect security.


    The location and dimensions of easements reserved or dedicated recreational open space, including the percent of open space. The nature, location, dimensions of any buffer areas.


    Such information may include the results of any tests or copies of calculations used in design, copies of agreements granting the developer rights essential to development of the land and construction work involved, including the right of access over existing ways.


    Requirements for Developments that Require Administrative Approval. Construction drawing for developments which require the approval of the Department Director, other than development of subdivisions stipulated under Section 334.8.B.3, shall be prepared by an engineer unless exempted by Chapter 471, Florida Statutes. The construction drawings shall include all design and drawing requirements applicable to the respective development approval sought after. The construction drawings shall be complete to reflect the full extent of the proposed scope of work and to insure that all parts of the construction can be adequately put together. The completeness and adequacy of the construction drawings shall be determined by the Planning Department based on the type of development approval required.