§ 335. Final Plat Review Procedures.  

Latest version.
  • 335.1.   Purpose.

    The purpose of final plat review is to ensure that the plat complies with the standards of this Code and, in the case of major subdivisions, also to determine whether the final plat is in compliance with the approved preliminary plat.

    335.2.   Final Plat Preparation.

    Final plats submitted to the County for review and approval shall meet the requirements of F.S. § 177.091.

    335.3.   Review Procedures.


    Application. An application for approval of a final plat shall be submitted to the Department Director consistent with the requirements of Section 312.3.


    Staff Review. The Department Director shall review the application in accordance with the requirements of Section 312.5 and shall submit the application and recommendation to the Board for approval.


    Review and Action by the Board of County Commissioners. Upon receipt of the recommendation from the Department Director, the Board shall review the application in accordance with the provisions of this Code.

    335.4.   Review Standards.

    No plat shall be approved unless the applicant demonstrates:


    That the plat complies with the requirements of the State Statutes, this Code and any previously approved Development Orders;


    That all required improvements have been completed and installed and a certificate of completion issued therefor, or where the Board may permit, the developer has posted adequate performance security in accordance with Section 337, Installation of Improvements, and has received approval of all construction drawings, in accordance with Section 334; and


    That all required fees or charges have been paid, dedications accepted, and any required escrow arrangements have been established.

    335.5.   Required Improvements Agreement.

    In connection with the approval of any final subdivision plat where the developer intends to install the required improvements after such approval, a required improvements agreement, in substantial conformance with the form agreement set forth by the County, shall be executed. All required improvements agreements shall be recorded with the approved final subdivision plat.

    335.6.   Modifications to Approved Final Plat.

    No changes, erasures, name changes, modifications, phase lines, or revisions shall be made on any final plat after approval has been given, unless the plat is resubmitted for a new approval by the Board. This shall not affect the right to file an affidavit confirming an error on a recorded plat, as provided by law.

    335.7.   Recording.

    Upon approval of the final plat, it shall be forwarded to the Clerk of the Circuit Court for recording together with any other related legal documents as the County Attorney or other County Departments may require for recording.

    335.8.   Effect of Approval.

    Approval of a final plat by the Board shall authorize the recording of the plat for all purposes under state law.

    335.9.   Condition of Approval.

    If, for whatever reason, an approval from another governmental entity expires prior to the time frame herein established, and was a prerequisite approval necessary to obtain a final plat approval, or a required approval subsequent thereto; the final plat approval shall automatically expire. Active permits from all appropriate governmental agencies shall be necessary, at all times, for both major and minor final plats.

    335.10.   Expiration of Final Plat.

    An approved final plat shall expire if it is not recorded within thirty (30) days of final plat approval.

    335.11.   Surveyor Review.

    Prior to approval by the appropriate governing body, the plat shall be reviewed for conformity to this section by a professional surveyor and mapper either employed by or under contract to the local governing body, the costs which shall be borne by the legal entity offering the plat recordation, and evidence of such review shall be placed on such plat. Said surveyor/mapper shall certify as to the plat's conformity on the face of the plat.

    335.12.   Distribution of Certified Recorded Plat.

    Prior to the Board approval the applicant shall deposit a fee with the Department to cover the cost of obtaining two certified copies of the recorded final plat from the Clerk of the Circuit Court. One copy each shall be retained by the Department.

    335.13.   Survey Data Required for Final Subdivision Plats.

    Plats made for recording shall meet the requirements of Section 177.091, F. S., and the following Manatee County specific requirements:


    Two benchmarks shall be identified or set within or immediately adjacent to each new subdivision plat plus one additional mark for every 50 lots over 99 lots. The North American Vertical Datum of 1988 shall be used with the relationship to the National Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1929 being provided in the plat notes, along with how that relationship was determined. The originating benchmark shall be identified in the plat notes and must be published by the County, the State - available from Land Boundary Information System (LABINS), or the National Geodetic Survey (NGS). Generally, the plat benchmarks shall be a metal disk stamped "BM" and the "LB" number of the legal entity or the "LS" number of the platting surveyor and affixed to concrete with a masonry type nail. The mark shall be a readily accessible concrete structure or feature that is reasonably safe from damage. Alternately for a subdivision where construction has not commenced or sufficiently completed at the time of recording, a Benchmark Affidavit may be recorded when concrete structures or features are available but will be required to be bonded with the PCPs and acknowledged in the surveyor's Certification. The use of PRMs as benchmarks are strongly discouraged and permitted only as a last resort. Marks that lack some form of identification are not acceptable.


    State Plane Coordinates shall be provided on the point of beginning and one other monumented plat boundary corner generally opposite the point of beginning. The datum shall be in the North American Datum of 1983 (1990 adjustment or later). The originating monuments used to establish the coordinates shall be identified along with their published Point Identification number from NGS or Online Positioning User Service (OPUS). Alternately, OPUS observation on plat boundary monuments are acceptable provided the results are provided to the reviewing surveyor. Use of coordinates from Certified Corner Records prepared by Manatee County that are recorded with the Florida Department of Natural Resources are also acceptable provided the monument and accessories are substantially the same.


    The basis of bearing and metes and bounds description for new subdivisions not already part of a phased development as of December 2015 shall be grid.


    Plat shall include the area of each lot and tract in square feet. A closure report shall be provided for each lot and tract and shall include the error of closure.


    The plat shall include the approximate location of the design edge of water or the seasonal high water for natural bodies of water immediately adjacent to each lot.


    The plat shall have a minimum text height of 3/32" for all plat data and text. Generally the text for the index or key map may be exempt provided the graphics are clear. If multiple sheets are used for the plat, a larger Index Map of the overall plat is required giving a basic representation of the Lots, Tracts, and Roads. Match lines are to be included in the Index Map with the layout of all the sheets. The Key Map is a smaller/simpler version of the index map that must be included on each subsequent sheet. Subtle hatching or shading must be used for the area the particular sheet covers.


    The vicinity map on the coversheet shall provide a clear representation of the location of the subdivision in relationship with at least two significant intersecting roads.


    The scale for the body of the plat is to be 1"=50' unless previously approved by the County Surveyor or reviewing surveyor. The sheet size required by the Clerk of the Circuit Court is 18" × 24".


    Duplicate line or curve designations are not allowed.


    Generally, a lot is to be depicted in its entirety on a single sheet. Portions of tracts may be depicted on multiple sheets.


    The plat geometry shall be a single geometric figure described by metes and bounds. Area(s) not part of the plat shall also be described by metes and bounds.


    Lot and other plat data distance precision - 1/100 of a foot (a note explaining precision is acceptable for example: "Except in the case of an irregular boundary or water course, numerical expressions shown hereon to the nearest foot or tenth of a foot, are to be interpreted as having a precision to the nearest one hundredth of a foot."). When cardinal directions are utilized, a similar note is needed explaining that the angular precision is to the second.

( Ord. No. 15-29, § 3(Exh. A), 12-3-15 ; Ord. No. 16-24 , § 3(Exh. A-3), 11-15-16)