§ 349. Large Projects.  

Latest version.
  • 349.1.   Large Project Application Required.

    Projects which meet one (1) or more of the following criteria, shall be considered large projects, and shall file, in addition to all requests for approval as required by this Code, a large project application (LPA):


    Residential development project containing eight hundred (800) units or more.


    Projects which are eighty (80) percent of a numerical threshold for DRI's, as provided in the Florida Administrative Code Rule Chapter 28-24.

    (Ord. No. 17-19 , § 3(Exh. A), 8-3-17)

    349.2.   Large Project Application (LPA).

    The Large Project Application shall be processed simultaneously with the first application for development approval.


    Pre-Application. Prior to submittal of a Large Project, the applicant shall have a pre-application conference with the Building and Development Services Department and the Parks and Natural Resources Department.


    Required Information. Information that shall be required upon submittal of a Large Project Application shall include, but not be limited to:


    Recent aerial photo, including at one (1) foot contours (for areas within five hundred (500) feet of project boundaries).


    Topographic map at one (1) foot contours (for areas within five hundred (500) feet of project boundaries).


    Map showing existing land uses within the development area and adjacent land within five hundred (500) feet of the project boundaries. (Note: all above information may be combined on a single map or aerial photo, if appropriate.)


    Master Development Plan for site, including a breakdown (acreage and percentages) of the types of proposed land uses; rights-of-way (major roads); open space areas; general areas of stormwater retention; acreage and number of proposed residential units for each parcel, acreage and size (square feet) of each non-residential component of the project.


    Development Phasing Plan depicting general breakdown in types of proposed land uses by project phase (including acreage, number of residential units and size of non-residential components).


    An existing native habitat map or list. Indicate on this map or list, acreage for each native habitat area lying within the project site.


    A native habitat preservation, alteration and mitigation plan. Indicate on this map acreage of each native habitat area to be preserved, conserved, altered or mitigated, if applicable. Provide on this map a summary of native habitat acreage to be preserved, conserved, and mitigated by habitat type.


    An existing drainage map. Indicate on this map existing basin/subbasin boundaries, drainage flow directions, drainage easements, discharge points, natural creeks, manmade canals, lakes, other waterbodies, drainage structures (both on-site and within one (1) mile downstream), coastal construction control lines, DEP jurisdictional lines, floodplains and floodways, as determined by FEMA and any other studies available through the Engineering Division of the Public Works Department. Summarize in tabular form on this map the following information:


    Basin area(s), slope(s) and length(s);


    Acreage and percent impervious coverage for each basin;


    Acreage and percent directly connected impervious coverage for each basin;


    Acreage and percent wetland/depression surface coverage for each basin; and


    Wetland/depression storage capacity within each basin.


    A traffic impact analysis that satisfies the standard for a general development plan meeting large project standards.


    A map or list identifying any locations of existing public facilities (e.g., water supply, wastewater treatment, transportation facilities, emergency service facilities, recreational parks, schools, etc.) which would serve the project site.


    A map showing future improvements necessitated by the proposed development (e.g., water supply, wastewater treatment, transportation facilities, emergency service facilities, recreational parks, schools, etc.).


    General Project Description.


    Describe and discuss in general terms all major elements of the proposed development in its completed form. Include in this discussion the proposed phases of development, and expected beginning and completion dates for construction. For non-residential Large Projects, also include target dates for facility operation or utilization. If the development will have a proposed build-out of ten (10) years or less, phasing should be shown on an annual or biannual basis.


    Project the number of on-site permanent fulltime employees with low or moderate incomes that could afford to rent or purchase within the development. Specify if any affordable housing provisions will be available to these employees within the development.


    If the proposed project would include low and moderate income housing units, describe how these units would be provided. Indicate what available mechanisms or incentives the applicant is seeking to achieve affordable housing within the project.


    Provide a market study which has been prepared for the proposed commercial development. If such a study has not been prepared, describe in general terms how the overall demand for this project has been determined.


    Industrial Uses. Indicate the type of anticipated operations that would occupy the proposed industrial park (e.g., manufacturing).


    Environmental Systems.


    Native Habitats.




    The applicant shall use a methodology for determining on-site hydroperiods and flow conditions which has been approved by the Parks and Natural Resources Department prior to submittal of this application.


    Describe the acreage, species composition and degrees of disturbance for each habitat existing within the development site, based on the Comprehensive Plan Conservation Element. Identify the occurrence of any on-site unique habitats such as those listed by the Florida Natural Areas Inventory, and describe the ecological values and functions of these unique habitats.


    Provide an analysis of historic flow conditions and hydroperiods, with seasonal water elevations, of on-site wetlands.


    Post-Development Conditions.


    Discuss how the project would not adversely affect the base flow or the periodicity of flow in water courses.


    Indicate all native habitats that will be preserved in their natural or existing state.


    Indicate all native habitats that will be conserved. Discuss how this proposal is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan Conservation.


    Indicate all wetlands, or portions thereof, that are proposed for alteration. Discuss the reason for alteration, and indicate whether alternatives were investigated to either limit or eliminate the need for wetland alteration. Discuss how this proposal is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan Conservation Element residential component of the project.


    Development Phasing Plan. General breakdown in types of proposed land uses by project phase (including acreage, number of residential units and size of non-residential components).


    Conceptual Mitigation Plan for all wetlands, meeting the criteria for alterations as specified in Section 706.6.


    A list of species likely to occur or present within the development area listed as threatened, endangered, rare, unique, or of special concern.




    Provide a general overview of existing drainage conditions, including any potential flooding and/or erosion problems.


    Indicate that steps (i.e a Sediment and Erosion Control Plan) will be implemented during development construction and maintenance to prevent or control soil erosion caused by wind and/or water action.


    Surface Water—Existing Conditions.


    Prior to the issuance of the first permit for horizontal or vertical construction the applicant shall establish, through a pre-development monitoring program, surface water quality conditions throughout the development. The monitoring program shall be subject to Parks and Natural Resources approval.


    The surface water quality monitoring data collected through the approved pre-development program shall be sufficient to determine the impairment status of the watershed, as set forth in Chapter 62-303, F.A.C. Once the data sufficiency requirements of Chapter 62-303, F.A.C. are met the applicant may request the Pre-Development Monitoring Program be concluded, subject to Parks and Natural Resources approval.


    Provide the existing annual surface water pollutant loading rates for the site based on site-specific land uses and average annual rainfall.


    Surface Water—Post Development Conditions. Estimate post-development annual surface water pollutant loading rates for the site based on projected land uses, and compare with pre-development loading rates.


    Groundwater—Existing Conditions.


    Prior to the issuance of the first permit for horizontal or vertical construction, the applicant shall establish, through a pre-development monitoring program, groundwater quality conditions throughout the development. The monitoring program shall be subject to Parks and Natural Resources approval.


    Groundwater—Post-Development Conditions. The groundwater monitoring program required in Section I (Groundwater- Existing Conditions) above shall continue through project build-out.




    If any structures and roadways are proposed within the 100-year flood prone area as identified by FEMA, indicate what measures will be taken to mitigate the potential flood hazard and to maintain the 100-year floodplain storage volume.


    Identify all areas within the 25-year floodplain.


    Historical and Archaeological Sites.


    Describe any known historical or archaeological sites on the development site. Provide a letter from the Department of State, Division of Historical Resources (DHR) which includes:


    A list of archaeological and historic sites located within the development site;


    The results of any site surveys; and


    Whether a site survey is needed.


    If available, indicate the results of any archaeological or historical survey conducted for the development site.


    Public Facilities.


    Transportation. The applicant shall use a traffic impact assessment methodology that has been approved by the Manatee County Public Works Department.


    Water Supply.


    Provide a general description of the type of potable water system or combination of systems, available within the development area.


    Project water usage for the proposed development, in accordance with the Manatee County Comprehensive Plan standards.


    Non-Potable Water—Existing Conditions. Provide a general description of the type of non-potable water system (e.g., private wells) existing within the development area.


    Non-Potable Water—Post-Development Conditions.   


    Project average daily non-potable water demands generated by the proposed development. Indicate any large consumers of water (e.g., domestic irrigation) and seasonal peaks. Specify what consumption rates have been assumed in this analysis.


    Identify the non-potable water sources to meet project demands (e.g., proposed wells). Provide pumping rates (average and maximum) for each existing and proposed well within the development area.


    Wastewater Management. Provide a general description of the wastewater treatment and disposal system, or combination of systems available within the development area (e.g., septic systems or central system(s))


    Wastewater Management—Post-Development Conditions.


    Project wastewater generation for the proposed development by land use classification. These projections are to be based on County infrastructure standards.


    If applicable, generally describe the volumes, characteristics and pre-treatment techniques of any industrial or other effluents prior to discharge from proposed industrial-related use(s).


    Solid Waste Management.


    Provide a general description of the solid waste management system, including methods of collection and disposal, existing within the development area.


    Identify any proposed uses that are potential generators of hazardous waste. Hazardous waste has been defined by EPA as any substance that exhibits ignitable, corrosive, reactive and/or toxic properties. Identify the proper on-site handling and temporary storage procedures for any hazardous waste that may be generated on site, in accordance with local, regional, state, and federal hazardous waste programs. Discuss provisions that will be made for disposal of these hazardous materials.




    If any school facilities and/or sites within the project boundaries are proposed to be dedicated to the Manatee County School Board, the applicant shall meet with representatives from the School Board prior to submittal of the application to discuss site suitability and any other relevant issues.


    Provide the School District with the maximum number of allowable residential dwelling units and number and type of proposed dwelling units.


    Provide a Preliminary School Report from the School District identifying the following:


    The projected number of students to be generated from the development;


    School Attendance Zones;


    School Service Area (SSA);


    Planned School Capital Improvements that may serve the development area;


    A Preliminary School Concurrency Analysis; and


    Other school related impacts from the proposed development.


    Indicate any school facilities and/or sites within the project boundaries which are proposed to be dedicated to the Manatee County School Board. Describe the suitability of each proposed site dedication to support a school based on size and configuration criteria and other aspects including environmental, drainage, transportation and land use compatibility. Discuss what measures will be taken to reduce or eliminate any potential compatibility conflicts.


    Indicate any private and/or proprietary schools proposed within the project boundaries. Identify type of school, student capacity, schedule of facility utilization, and service area. In addition, for each proposed school facility, estimate the number and percentage of students drawn from individual counties.




    If any park facilities and/or sites within the project boundaries are proposed to be dedicated to Manatee County, the applicant shall meet with representatives from the County's Parks and Natural Resources Department prior to submittal of the application to discuss site suitability and any other relevant issues.


    Inventory any existing passive and active recreation facilities or open space areas within the development area. Indicate whether public access to these areas is currently provided.


    Indicate any recreational areas within the development that would not be dedicated to Manatee County. Provide information on each of these recreational areas as follows:


    Type of recreational area (active vs. passive);


    Acreage of the recreational area;


    The development stage in which the recreational area would become operational;


    The entity or entities responsible for the operation and maintenance of the recreational area; and


    The users (residents vs. open to the general public).


    Emergency Services. Provide a letter of service availability and capacity from the appropriate ambulance service for the proposed project. This letter should contain a statement of the ambulance service's ability to provide service with adequate emergency response time as the project is currently phased.


    Fire Protection.


    Provide correspondence from the appropriate fire protection agency indicating: (1) whether or not the present facilities and manpower of the department are capable of serving the project with adequate emergency response times as the project is currently phased, and (2) what additional manpower and equipment the project would require.


    Identify any proposed on-site facilities or services (e.g., land dedication for fire station, private fire protection service, built-in fire protection systems) that would be utilized to compliment public protection and safety services. Provide an estimated percentage of total service that would be provided by private fire protection services.


    Identify any proposed development that would create a demand beyond present fire flow capabilities (sustained and immediate). Indicate what steps (e.g., sprinkler system) would be taken to ensure adequate fire protection for this development.


    Police Protection. Identify any proposed on-site facilities or services (e.g., private security service, built-in alarm systems) that would be utilized to compliment public protection and safety services.


    Hurricane Evacuation. Provide a breakdown of proposed land uses to be located within Category 1, 2 and/or 3 storm zones.

(Ord. No. 17-19 , § 3(Exh. A), 8-3-17)

Editor's note

Ord. No. 17-19 , § 3(Exh. A), adopted Aug. 3, 2017, repealed the former § 349.2, and renumbered the former ;; 349.3 as 349.2 as set out herein. The former § 349.2 pertained to binding letter and derived from the original codification of this Code.