§ 351. Environmental Preserve Management Plan (EPMP).  

Latest version.
  • 351.1.   EPMP Required.


    Purpose and Intent. An environmental preserve management plan (EPMP) is required to ensure improvements and uses within an Environmental Preserve are designed to adequately protect natural features on the site.


    Applicability. EPMPs prepared and approved in accordance with the provisions of this section shall be utilized to assure compliance with all applicable requirements of this Code. The EPMP shall include appropriate measures for stormwater management, wetland protection, and habitat, wildlife and endangered species protection.

    351.2.   Plan Requirements.

    The EPMP shall include a site plan that contains sufficient detail to ensure compliance with all applicable development standards in the Code. In circumstances where detailed development information is not available at the time of the EPMP, acknowledgement of the need to comply with applicable development standards will suffice.

    The application for an EPMP shall be submitted by the County Administrator to appropriate reviewing agencies including the Development Review Committee.

    Notwithstanding the provision of Section 345 Special Approval, an EPMP may be used as the vehicle to obtain special approval as required by the Comprehensive Plan.

    351.3.   Review Procedures.


    Planning Commission Review. The Planning Commission shall hold a public meeting pursuant to this Chapter to review the proposed management plan.


    Board of County Commission Review. The EPMP shall be considered by the Board at a public hearing pursuant to this Chapter.


    Modifications. Where action, designs, or solutions proposed are not literally in accord with applicable general regulations, but the Board makes a written finding in the particular case that the public purposes of the regulation are satisfied to an equivalent or greater degree, the Board may grant modifications for the particular case. However, where floor area and similar building ratios, as well as maximum permitted densities have been established by these regulations, the Board shall not grant specific approval to increase such ratios, maximums, or minimums.

    Minor modifications may be approved by the Department Director, after a finding of Comprehensive Plan consistency.

    351.4.   Review Criteria.

    Environmental preserve management plans shall show compliance with the standards outlined in the following sections:

    354. Temporary uses.

    360. Certificates of Level of Service.

    310.3. Building permits.

    520. Standards for Temporary Uses.

    806. Lighting.

    1002. Visibility triangles.

    802. Floodplain management.

    403.6. Historic vista protection.

    803. Utility Service Requirements.

    801. Stormwater Management.

    351.5.   Other Permits Required.

    Nothing in this section shall eliminate the obligation of the County to obtain any required permits from state or federal agencies. A Certificates of Level of Service compliance, all required County permits, and approval for utility connections shall be obtained.

    351.6.   Effect of Approval.

    The approval of an EPMP pursuant to this section shall satisfy the requirement for Final Site Plan approval for purposes of compliance with this Code. In circumstances where a property is zoned Planned Development, the approved EPMP shall supersede any previously approved plan and/or stipulation. All required Building Permits, Floodplain Management Permits, Erosion, and Sedimentation Control Plans, Certificates of Level of Service and Construction Drawing approvals for utility connections shall be obtained.