§ 356. Mining Activity Permitting.  

Latest version.
  • Mining operations require the approval of a Master Mining and Reclamation Plan meeting the requirements of the Manatee County Phosphate Mining Code (Chapter 220, Code of Ordinances). Approval of such plans shall follow the procedures defined herein.

    356.1.   Review and Approval Procedures.


    Pre-application Conference. The developer of a proposed mining activity shall meet with the Department Director and other affected County agencies prior to the preparation or submission of a Master Mining and Reclamation Plan. The purpose of this meeting shall be to discuss informally the minimum requirements and design standards for proposed mining activities as well as to discuss existing or proposed developments which may affect, or be affected by the proposed activities. For the purpose of such discussion, it is advised that the applicant have a sketch plan indicating the proposed project area, its relationship to the surrounding area, and its general development scheme. Formal application or filing of a plan with the Department Director is not required for the Pre-application Conference.


    Filing of Application. Following the Pre-application Conference, a developer wishing to undertake a mining activity shall file an application with the Department Director in accordance with the provisions of Section 342, Amendments to Official Zoning Atlas, and this Section. Such application shall include a copy of the Master Mining and Reclamation Plan.


    Review Procedures. The review and approval procedures for Master Mining and Reclamation Plan shall be the same as for a rezoning pursuant to Section 342, Amendments to Official Zoning Atlas.


    Modifications. In approving a Master Mining and Reclamation Plan, the Board may require such modifications as shall assure compliance with the purpose and intent of the EX district regulations.


    Rezoning Application. In the event that a Master Mining and Reclamation Plan shall be disapproved by the Board, the application for rezoning shall thereby be deemed to be denied. In the event that the Board shall approve, or approve with modifications or conditions, a Conceptual Site Plan, the Board may thereupon grant the rezoning application accompanying said plan.


    Additional Information. Prior to or in addition to approval of a Master Mining and Reclamation Plan, and upon a determination that additional information is necessary for proper review of the proposed mining activity, the Board may require the submission of additional information by the applicant. The review of such additional information shall follow the same procedures applicable to review of the Master Mining and Reclamation Plan with which such information is to be associated.


    Amendment. Once a Master Mining and Reclamation Plan has been approved, and there is cause for amendment of same or any portion thereof, such amendment shall be processed in like manner as the original submission. However, there shall be no requirement to file an amended rezoning application unless the proposed amendment would so dictate.

    356.2.   Deviations from Approved Plans.

    Deviations from the approved plans or failure to comply with any requirements or safeguard imposed by the Board during the approval procedure shall constitute a violation of this Code.