§ 605. Sign Standards.  

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  • 605.1.   Sign Standards Matrix

    All signs requiring a permit shall comply with the size, height, setbacks and other specifics identified in Table 6-1, Sign Standards Matrix, in addition to the general standards stated in the following subsections.

    Table 6-1: Sign Dimensional Standards

    Front Side Rear Other
    Residential Subdivision/Multi-family Identification 12' 10' 10' 12' 48 sf Intersection entrances only, one on each side of entrance Yes No LED not permitted
    Home Occupation Not permitted See 604
    DRI/CDD/Large Project on-site Directional Signage See 606 Master Sign Plan Option
    Interstate See 606 Master Sign Plan Option
    North Central Overlay District (NCO) See 609
    Off-Site Directional Signs See 611
    Outdoor Advertising Signs See 613
    Political Signs 5' in nonresidential districts 10' 6 sf in residential district; 32 sf all other districts See 609.2 See 609.2
    Restricted Temporary Signs 12' from front lot line 10' from side lot line 10' from rear lot line 25' 16 sf 2 per event No Yes. 120 days per year See 609
    Subdivision/Project Identification 12' 10' 10' 25' 20' 75 sf Intersection entrances only, one on each side of entrance Yes No LED not permitted
    Single/Multi-Establishment Premises:
    Lot with <50' Frontage 12' 10' 10' 25' 50 sf One sign per frontage Yes No LED not permitted
    Lot with 50'—150' frontage 12' 10' 10' 25' 75 sf One sign per frontage Yes No LED not permitted
    Lot with 150'—1,000' frontage 12' 10' 10' 25' 75 sf plus 1 sf or each 6' of frontage (max 150 sf) One sign per frontage Yes No LED Permitted on collector or arterial roadways
    Lot on arterial and >1,000' frontage 20' 25' 150 sf each (2 signs max) or one 300 sf sign One sign per frontage 1,000' min. between signs. No other permanent signs along frontage. Yes No LED Permitted on collector or arterial roadways
    Wall, Mansard & Canopy Cannot project beyond roofline or sidewalls attached to Cannot project more than 24" away from attached wall Cannot project onto streets. Must be 8' above pedestrian walkways Less than 1,000 ft. of frontage on single street 2 sf per linear foot of building frontage (200 sf max) One sign per establishment in single/multi occupancy premises. Multi establishment premises with less than 1,000' frontage on a single street may have one identification or combination wall sign 200 sf in lieu of all freestanding signs on the same frontage Yes No Corner locations get one sign for each frontage


    sf = square feet; ft./' = feet; min. = minimum; " = inches

    (Ord. No. 16-24 , § 3(Exh. A-6), 11-15-16)

    605.2.   Measuring Signs.


    Sign Area. The area of a sign includes the entire area within the outer periphery of the smallest single or combination of regular simple geometric shapes within which the message is contained. This shall enclose the extreme limits of writing, representation, emblems, and all material, color, or lighting forming an integral part of the display or used to differentiate it from the background against which it is placed. The sign area is calculated in units of square feet based on one (1) side. However, the maximum total area allowed for all sides shall not exceed twice the allowable specified in this Code.

    Figure 6-1: Sign Area


    Sign Height. The height of a freestanding sign shall be measured from the base of the sign or supportive structure at its point of attachment to the ground, to the highest point of the sign. A freestanding sign on a man-made base, including a graded earth mound, shall be measured from the grade of the nearest pavement or top of any pavement curb.

    Figure 6-2: Measurement of Height

    605.3.   Illumination of Signs.


    Generally. All illumination shall be so shaded, shielded or directed so that the light beam shall not adversely affect safe vision of pedestrians or vehicles moving on public or private streets, travel ways, or parking areas. Light shall not shine or reflect in an offensive manner on or into residential structures, motels or hotels.


    Exposed Lighting—Maximum Power. Exposed reflective-type bulbs or incandescent lamps shall not exceed forty (40) watts.


    External Lighting. Where an external source of illumination is used, such source or glare shall not be visible from any public way or adjacent property.

    605.4.   Changeable Copy Signs (Manual or LED Signs).


    Changeable Copy Signs shall be allowed along functionally classified roadways only.


    Changeable Copy Signs shall be allowed only in the R/O/R, MU, IL, and IH Future Land-Use Categories.


    The display shall not change more than once every five (5) seconds. No animation, scrolling, flashing or appearance of movement is permitted. All such displays shall be a minimum of eight (8) feet above the grade.


    Changeable Copy Signs shall be limited to one (1) per premises and cover not more than sixty-five (65) percent of the erected freestanding or wall sign area.


    Changeable Copy Signs within the Historic Vista Protection area are subject to additional review in accordance with Section 403.6.

    605.5.   Canopy, Awning Signs.

    Canopy, Awning Signs may be allowed in lieu of wall signs providing a building permit is obtained.

    605.6.   Signs for Drive-Through Restaurants.

    In addition to the signs otherwise permitted by this Code, a drive-through restaurant shall be permitted identification signs placed in proximity to the drive-through lane for purposes of identifying items available on-site. The signs shall require a permit.