§ 800. Subdivision Requirements.
800.1. Conformity with Other Regulations.
All land subdivided shall conform to the other applicable requirements of:
This Code, The Manatee County Comprehensive Plan, Manatee County Public Works Standards, and any other applicable ordinance, as officially adopted by Manatee County.
The applicable requirements of the Manatee County Health Department, Environmental Health Services.
The environmental and other applicable regulations of the State of Florida.
The rules of the Florida Department of Transportation, if the subdivision abuts a state highway.
All other federal, state, and County laws and regulations applicable to the subdivision of land.
All forms as provided by the County shall be used as required by this Code, except as may be otherwise required by state law.
800.2. Self-Imposed Restrictions.
If the owner of a parcel of property being subdivided places restrictions on any part of the land contained in the subdivision that are greater than those required by this Code, such restrictions or reference thereto by book and page where recorded, shall be required to be indicated on the final plat or in other appropriate form. These restrictions and covenants shall be recorded with the Clerk of the Circuit Court.
800.3. Site Suitability.
No subdivision shall be approved for a site unsuitable for development due to flood hazard, poor drainage, unstable soil, utility easements, slopes, rock formation and such other condition which may constitute a danger to life, health, or property or aggravate erosion or flood hazards, unless adequate measures acceptable to the DRC, to mitigate any risks related to such conditions, are included in the subdivision proposal.
800.4. Adequate Public Facilities.
The adequacy of the necessary public or private facilities services, such as: vehicular traffic and pedestrian circulation; sanitation; potable water; drainage and stormwater management facilities; evacuation facilities, police, fire services, and emergency medical services; education; recreation; and similar facilities and services, potential adverse impacts on adjacent lands uses and facilities, shall be thoroughly considered in the review of subdivisions under this Code, and adequately provided for.
800.5. Hurricane Evacuation Plan.
All new development located within the Category 1, 2, or 3 areas of the Coastal Planning Area as identified on the Coastal Planning Area Map in the comprehensive plan, shall obtain County approval of a hurricane evacuation plan. The plan shall be prepared in coordination with the Manatee County Public Safety Department and submitted by the developer within one (1) year of final plat approval, or before any development approvals are issued for all other development.
800.6. Protection of Significant Features.
In all subdivisions, to the maximum extent practicable, efforts shall be made to preserve and enhance historic and archaeological sites, scenic vistas, large trees and other desirable natural or cultural amenities worthy of preservation, either as portions of recreation and open spaces, or in other such forms, as to provide amenities to the community.
Historical sites and similar community assets known or suspected to be within the subdivision identified through the efforts of the County shall be located, identified or described on subdivision plans in the vicinity of said items. When located, adequate measures shall be taken by the developer to protect the finding until determination of the find and property disposition is made.
800.7. Subdivision Name.
Every subdivision shall be given a name by which it shall be legally known. Such name shall not be the same, phonetically, or visually similar to any name appearing on any recorded plat in the County so as to confuse the records or to mislead the public as to the identity of the subdivision. The exception is when the subdivision is subdivided as an additional unit or section by the same developer or his successors in title. The name of the subdivision shall be subject to review by the County Departments and appropriate reviewing agencies.
If at any time, the developer intends to change the name of the subdivision, the developer shall request the name change in writing. All correspondence regarding a name change shall be sent to the County Administrator or designee for approval. After review and approval by the County Administrator or designee, it shall be the responsibility of the developer to make the appropriate changes to all applicable documents and reference the previous subdivision name on all correspondence for three (3) months following the name change.
800.8. Lot Requirements.
Arrangement. Lot area, width, depth, shape, orientation, and minimum building setback lines shall be appropriate for the location of the subdivision and type of development contemplated, as provided by this Code, public safety, and health regulations. Where existing utility or other easements are involved, lot lines shall be so arranged with respect to such easements and access thereto, as to permit efficient installation of the utilities and maintenance, without unnecessary irregularities in alignment; and as necessary to permit securing building permits to build in compliance with this Code and applicable health regulations.
Dimensions. All lots shall meet the dimensional requirements of the applicable zoning district. The minimum lot width permitted for corner lots shall be platted not less than fifteen (15) percent wider on both front yards than the minimum width required in the district for which the property is zoned, except where both front yards equal or exceed one hundred fifty (150) feet each in width. The minimum front lot line shall also meet the requirements of Section 401.3.B.4.
Shape. Generally, side lot lines shall be as close as practical to right angles with the right-of-way line. If the side lot line deviates more than twenty two and one-half (22.5) degrees from the side lot line drawn perpendicular to the street right-of-way or radial to curving street right-of-way for a minimum distance of hundred (100) feet from the right-of-way line, the County shall be provided written confirmation that the deviation will not affect public safety or access for residences from and to the right-of-way.
Double and Reverse Frontage Lots. Reverse frontage lots shall be provided adjacent to thoroughfare streets. Double frontage and reverse frontage lots shall be avoided when not adjacent to major thoroughfares. When reverse frontage lots are not practical due to the proposal of a minor subdivision with no new streets to be constructed, the applicant shall provide joint access driveways onto the thoroughfare to reduce the number of additional driveways onto the thoroughfare. Joint access easements shall be shown on the preliminary and final plats and recorded.
A buffer shall be provided along rear property lines abutting right-of-way, across which there shall be noted "non-vehicular, ingress or egress" on the plat. Additional lot depth of twenty (20) feet shall be provided to accommodate such buffer when adjacent to major thoroughfares, and ten (10) feet when adjacent to a local street. The landscaping requirements along such buffer shall conform to the type and quantity standards specified in Section 701. Adequate provisions for maintenance of such buffer shall also be shown, where applicable.
( Ord. No. 15-29, § 3(Exh. A), 12-3-15 )
800.9. Blocks.
Arrangement. Block width, depth, shape, and orientation shall be appropriate for the location of the subdivision and type of development contemplated, considering, among other things, the need for convenient access, horizontal and vertical sight distance, circulation, control and safety of vehicular and pedestrian traffic; and turning radii.
Width. Block width shall be sufficient to provide for two (2) tiers of lots with minimum depths as required in the district for which the property is zoned. Exceptions to the two (2) tiered block width shall be permitted in blocks abutting major streets, railroads, waterways, golf course boundary, or exterior property lines of the development.
Length. Block lengths in residential areas shall not exceed two thousand (2,000) feet, or be less than four hundred (400) feet in length, except where necessary to intersect with an existing street. Wherever practicable, blocks along thoroughfares and arterials, shall not be less than eight hundred (800) feet in length.
Lot and Block Numbers. All lots shall be numbered either by progressive numbers or, if in blocks, progressively numbered in each block, and the blocks progressively numbered or lettered, except that blocks in numbered additions bearing the same name may be numbered consecutively throughout the several additions. However, in no instance shall there be a lot and block designation repeating itself on the same plat.
800.10. Nonresidential Subdivisions.
Standards. A non-residential subdivision plat shall conform to all applicable design requirements set forth herein for subdivisions generally and, in addition, shall satisfy the following requirements:
The subdivision layout shall ensure compatibility of the proposed improvements and intended uses with the adjacent existing and proposed land improvements and uses.
All proposed lots shall be of sufficient size and configuration to adequately accommodate the intended use in full compliance with applicable zoning requirements and other regulations of the County.
The proposed street system shall provide for a smooth flow of internal traffic circulation; adequate provision for loading and unloading of goods and equipment; and proper connections with the external road and highway system, including turning radii and deceleration lanes.
Adequate provision, as required by the Manatee County Public Works Standards, shall be made for all necessary public utilities, services, and easements where applicable.
Unless specifically requested by the County, no streets except utilities shall be extended to the boundaries of said subdivisions so as to connect with others to provide future connections with adjacent streets within existing or future residential areas. However, easements for utilities and storm water lines shall be provided to the boundaries of adjacent property to provide connection or extension of utilities.
The subdivision shall be designed so as to satisfy all other requirements deemed necessary by the County to ensure proper development and to satisfy the intent and purpose of these regulations.
General. If a proposed subdivision includes land that is zoned for non-residential purposes, the design of the subdivision shall incorporate any provisions the County may reasonably require to accommodate such purposes. Conditional use approval and nonresidential subdivision plat approval may, at the option of the developer, proceed simultaneously; provided that no conditional use shall be approved prior to the associated final subdivision plat.