§ 803. Utility Service Requirements.
803.1. Sanitary Sewerage.
Every development shall have a sanitary sewerage system adequate for the type of development proposed and related to existing or potential surrounding development. The sanitary sewerage system shall form a logical part of a coordinated system minimizing potential sanitary sewerage problems for the general area, as designated by service areas under the respective Sanitary Sewerage Service Area Master Plan. All sanitary sewerage systems shall conform to the requirements of the Manatee County Public Works Standards and the Manatee County Health Department, Environmental Health Services. Each lot shall be connected to the sewer main by a single individual sewer service connection.
Mandatory Connection. Connection to a public sanitary sewer system is mandatory for the wastewater collection areas shown on the Water/Wastewater Service Areas Map of the Comprehensive Plan, unless specifically exempted by Chapter 2-31 of the Code of Ordinances, or through Special Approval as provided for in subsection B, below.
Exemption through Special Approval.
Administrative Approval. Special Approval to not connect to the public sanitary sewer system may be granted administratively in conjunction with a Final Site Plan, subdivision plat, Administrative Permit or other approval process if the following criteria are met:
The project contains five (5) lots or less;
The applicant provides a cost estimate acceptable to Manatee County demonstrating the cost to connect to public sewer is sixty thousand dollars ($60,000.00) more than the cost to provide a septic tank;
The proposed level of treatment for the septic system meets or exceeds minimum Health Department standards;
The proposed septic tank is setback a minimum of four hundred (400) feet from an Outstanding Florida Water body;
The septic tank is located a minimum of two hundred (200) feet from any jurisdictional wetland (in WPE/WPM Overlays); and
The proposed project is not within an area of known flooding.
Board Approval. If the Department Director determines that either the above described criteria or those in Section 345.5 of this Code cannot be met, or the Department Director determines that approving the request administratively would not be in conformance with the Comprehensive Plan, then the Special Approval request shall be heard by the Board of County Commissioners after consideration of the following factors at an advertised public hearing:
Proposed wastewater impacts,
Accessibility of the central system,
Proposed infrastructure improvements,
Environmental sensitivity,
Development trends and timing,
Compatibility of development,
Proposed mitigation measures,
Telecommunication facilities, and
Location in areas subject to flooding.
Interim Wastewater Treatment Plants. The use of any interim wastewater treatment plant to provide for sanitary sewer service for any development located within the wastewater treatment collection areas shown on the Water/Wastewater Service Areas Map of the Comprehensive Plan, is prohibited unless approval by the Board is granted to not connect to the public sanitary sewer system and analysis of the following factors has been completed:
Analysis from individual on-site systems, versus an interim treatment plant.
Level of treatment proposed.
Possible connection to other municipal wastewater treatment systems.
Location within or adjacent to environmentally sensitive areas.
Location within areas subject to flooding, and
Consideration of the appropriate timing and type of proposed development.
Dry Lines. Septic tanks or interim wastewater treatment plants approved pursuant to this Section shall be constructed with dry-lines consistent with Policy of the Comprehensive Plan, so as to readily permit connection to the public sanitary sewer system. Dry-lines are required to be installed on all residential developments equal to or greater than one (1) dwelling unit per acre and all non-residential development within the wastewater treatment collection area. Dry-lines for sewerage shall be extended to the appropriate project boundary or boundaries. Within two (2) years of the availability of a sanitary sewer line with adequate capacity to accommodate wastewater flows from the developed portions of the project, all dry-lines for the project shall be connected to the available sanitary sewer line(s). Projects outside the EPA 201 Facilities Service Area shall generally be exempted from this policy, unless a requirement for installation of dry-lines in any such project is adopted as a condition of development order approval.
Costs. All costs associated with the installation and connection to a public sanitary sewer system shall be borne by the developer. Any connection or extension to a public sewerage system in advance of the availability of the public sewerage system contiguous to the development shall be at the developer's expense.
Evers Reservoir. Connection to the County sanitary sewer system is required for all new commercial and residential structures located in the Evers Reservoir portion of the Watershed Overlay District, when located within one (1) mile of a sanitary sewer system. The exception shall be for structures located on single-family lots of record for which it has been determined by Manatee County that such a connection is not economically feasible.
803.2. Water.
Every development shall have a potable water supply system adequate for the type of development proposed and related to existing or potential surrounding development so as to form a logical part of a coordinated system minimizing potential water supply problems for the general area. Potable water may not be required for Antenna Structures at the Department Director's discretion. No water service shall be furnished to any person by a public or private utility or water well unless such person agrees to accept all the provisions of the Water Shortage Plan and the Water Shortage Emergency, as defined in the Code of Ordinances. The acceptance of water service shall be in itself the acceptance of the above provisions. All water supply systems shall be planned and constructed by the developer in accordance with the Manatee County Public Works Standards.
Mandatory Connection. New development shall connect to the County potable water system when water supply and service to the site are reasonably available, except for single-family homes on lots of record. If a public water supply is not available, an individual private well water supply system may be allowed, if approved by the Manatee County Natural Resources Division.
Cost. The applicant for every development shall pay the full cost of installation of all water distribution system components which are needed on and off the development site to effectuate potable water service to the site regardless of distance.
803.3. Solid Waste.
See Chapter 2-16 of the Manatee County Code of Ordinances for solid waste collection and disposal requirements, and the Manatee County Public Works Standards for waste storage facility standards.
803.4. Irrigation.
Requirements. The irrigation system shall comply with Section 701, The Manatee County Comprehensive Plan, and the Manatee County Cross Connection and Back Flow Prevention Code, Manatee County Plumbing Code and the Manatee County Irrigation Code. All required landscaping shall meet the irrigation requirements of Section 701 and the Manatee County Public Works Standards.
Alternative Water Source. The use of reclaimed water or other alternative sources shall be required for sites located outside of the Watershed Overlay Districts and located in an area that either has the distribution system for reclaimed water or is programmed to have such system installed.
803.5. Fire Protection.
Fire District Approval. In all developments, the adequacy of the protection services, water supply pressure, hydrant locations, fire lanes and maneuvering areas shall be subject to the approval of the appropriate Fire District, and the Department Director.
Hydrants. All fire hydrants shall be installed in accordance with the Manatee County Public Works Standards, and dedicated to Manatee County when they are connected to a water distribution system operated by the Manatee County Public Works Department.
Additional Requirements. In addition, fire hydrants shall be provided in all new developments which meet the following criteria:
All developments which require an extension of the water distribution system.
All developments which require the submission of a preliminary site plan as set forth in Section 360, Certificate of Level of Service Compliance.
All non-residential developments which consist of a single building or group of buildings under one (1) roof having greater than ten thousand (10,000) square feet of floor area or a group of buildings under separate roofs separated less than ten (10) feet and having a sum total square footage greater than ten thousand (10,000) square feet.
Location. Fire hydrants shall be located (1) no more than eight hundred (800) feet apart and (2) within four hundred (400) feet of the main entrance of all non-residential buildings in the development as measured along normal access routes, (3) at the end of any water line unless another hydrant is located within five hundred (500) feet.
Sprinkler System. All hydrants shall be in addition to any internal sprinkler or standpipe system serving the development and shall not be located on the "fire line" water main service.
Right-of-Way. Except for hydrants located within the rights-of-way, or within one story single family residential areas, all hydrants shall be located at least forty (40) feet from any building.
803.6. Electric and Communication Lines.
Generally. Except in agricultural, heavy commercial districts, non-planned industrial developments, or as expressly provided below, all utility lines to be installed for the development, including, but not limited to those required for electrical services, telephone, street lighting, and CATV, shall be installed underground. Appurtenances such as; transformer boxes, pedestal-mounted terminal boxes less than four (4) feet high, temporary electrical supply outlets, and meter cabinets, may be placed above ground, subject to the provisions of this Code and in particular:
Chapter 5, Part II—Standards for Accessory Uses and Structures;
Section 806—Outdoor Lighting;
Section 1002—Visibility Triangles;
Section 701—Landscaping; and
Section 802—Floodplain Management;
Manatee County Public Works Standards; and
Manatee County Electrical Code.
Waiver. The requirement for underground utility lines may be waived by the Department Director, if it can be shown by the developer, that due to available technology or unique site conditions, it would not be necessary to install underground utilities. In such cases, utility lines shall be located on back lot lines.
Easements. For developments located on thoroughfares where utility lines currently are above ground and front the development, rear yard easements of ten (10) feet shall be provided for the installation of underground utility lines or relocating existing utility lines at a future date; provided, that such easements can be properly aligned.