Objective 11.1.1. - Open Communication.
Establish effective formal and informal communication mechanisms with other local governments regarding planning issues to ensure effective and efficient implementation of this Comprehensive Plan and to resolve issues of mutual interest which may arise.
Policy Notify affected governments and the School Board on comprehensive plan issues and land use activities within unincorporated Manatee County as appropriate.
Implementation Mechanism:
The Planning Department shall maintain a mailing list to notify affected governments and the School Board of proposed Comprehensive Plan and land use activities.
Policy Maintain a library within the Planning Department which will act as a central source of information for planning related matters for jurisdictions within and adjacent to Manatee County.
Policy Resolve potential conflicts with Manatee County municipalities and other jurisdictions involving annexation, cross-jurisdictional planning issues, and public facility/service issues by utilizing the dispute resolution processes available through TBRPC and other entities when other avenues of coordination and communication have been unsuccessful in resolving the conflict.
Implementation Mechanism:
Increase utilization of the TBRPC dispute resolution process when necessary.
Policy Maintain, and provide for public review, a listing of capacity-deficient public facilities or public facilities with low reserve capacity, to assist in informing interested parties where public facilities are generally insufficient to accommodate existing or short-term demands.
Implementation Mechanism:
The Planning Department will coordinate with all other departments and agencies during the development review process, and maintain a record of public facilities (e.g., roadway segments, water distribution mains, wastewater collection and transmission mains) for which either a deficiency, or low reserve capacity, has resulted in denial of a development order, or reduction in proposed development amounts. Status of any such facility, when it is projected to be impacted by a programmed capital improvement, will also be noted on this listing.
Policy The Manatee County BOCC shall have periodic joint meetings with the governing bodies of Manatee County cities, adjacent counties, the Manatee County School Board and the SMA-Authority.
Policy The Manatee County Planning Commission and other applicable advisory boards are encouraged to hold periodic work sessions with Planning Commissions and advisory boards of adjacent jurisdictions to promote coordination of planning and other appropriate efforts.
Policy Continue to meet on a regular basis with the Manatee County School Board to share information and work on issues of mutual concern as required by the Interlocal Agreement and Public School Facilities Element.
Implementation Mechanism:
Continue regular quarterly meetings between School Board representatives and County staff.