Objective 2.1.4. - Economic Activity Areas.
Encourage development of mixed use areas to strengthen and diversify the economy of Manatee County.
Policy Identify areas intended for mixed use intense economic activity.
Policy Continue enforcing the LDC provisions to mitigate the impact of light industrial uses on neighboring residential uses through the utilization of appropriate measures such as transition/landscape buffering, building design, setbacks, noise barriers, exterior lighting controls, operating hour limits, vibration limits, truck access/routing limits, binding agreements to benefit and protect the community, and other practices as necessary to protect and enhance neighborhoods and community character.
Policy The Land Development Code shall continue offering the following incentives for development within the areas designated for planned residential and light industrial mixed use intense development and other intense economic activity:
Expedited development review and permitting approvals through a process tailored for the designated areas;
Density/intensity bonuses;
Transit access provision;
Linkages with adjoining or related authorities (e.g. airport/Port Manatee) for activities such as joint marketing/branding, foreign trade zone (FTZ) status, and master stormwater management;
Targeted infrastructure;
Public/private partnerships;
Parcel assembly supports; and
Workforce training.
(Ord. No. 16-23, § 6(Exh. D), 9-19-16; Ord. No. 18-04 , § 6(Exh. D), 8-23-18)