Objective 2.3.3. - Floodplain Management.  

Latest version.
  • Direct development away from areas subject to flooding to reduce risks to life and property and to minimize costs to County residents for replacing damaged infrastructure.

    Policy Prohibit any new development (but not redevelopment) within the floodway of any perennial stream, except for water-dependent uses and except for projects which generally would not result in an increase in flood levels in the community during the occurrence of the base (one hundred (100) years) flood discharge. [See Policy]

    Implementation Mechanism:


    County review of development requests for compliance with this policy and the Floodplain Management Section of the Manatee County Land Development Code.

    Policy Require that all fill within the 100-year floodplain shall be compensated by creation of storage of an equal or greater volume, with such compensatory storage also located within the 100-year floodplain. Areas within the 100-year floodplain adjacent to a tidally-influenced water body shall not be subject to this level of service performance standard.

    Policy Require that all proposed residential buildings within the 100-year floodplain are constructed so that finished floor elevations are above the elevation of the 100-year flood.

    Require that all proposed nonresidential buildings or nonresidential components of mixed use buildings within the 100-year floodplain are constructed to meet the finished floor elevation, or meet and/or exceed the performance standards established by the Federal Emergency Management Agency.

    Policy Prohibit habitable structures and major public and private investment within the existing/pre-development 25-year flood plain, except where a finding of overriding public interest has been reached by the Board. This policy shall not preclude the development of water-dependent uses, water-related and water-enhanced uses, stormwater management structures, non-habitable structures, and passive recreational uses where appropriate. Any such development shall:

    • Minimize impervious surface in the 25-year floodplain;

    • Cluster structures and uses outside of the 25-year floodplain, whenever possible [see Policy];

    • Protect perennial lakes and streams by encouraging the dedication of conservation easements not subject to any land alteration within the 25-year floodplain; and

    • Provide mitigation for floodplain impacts and establish finish floor elevation for habitable structures in accordance with the Land Development Code and the floodplain ordinance.

    This policy applies only for the purposes of reviewing projects for which mapping of the 25-year floodplain has been accomplished, or where interpolation or use of an existing water surface profile for the watercourse(s) permits the identification of the 25-year flood elevation.

    Implementation Mechanism(s):


    Review development requests for compliance with this policy and the Floodplain Management Section of the Manatee County Land Development Code.


    Coordination between the Manatee County and the Manatee County Property Appraiser to ensure that conservation easements dedicated to Manatee County are deleted from private property assessments.


    Require Board approval of site plans that propose to build habitable structures or major public and private investment within the existing/pre-development 25-year flood plain for compliance with this policy.

    Policy Limit density or intensity in a manner which will protect all groundwater resources from unacceptable contamination by septic tanks. (See also Objective 9.2.4 and associated policies)

    Implementation Mechanism:


    Review of proposed impacts by the County and the Florida HRS.

    Policy Prohibit mining below the 25-year floodplain elevation except for temporary crossings, as identified and approved in a Master Mining Plan.

(Ord. No. 16-23, § 6(Exh. D), 9-19-16; Ord. No. 18-04 , § 6(Exh. D), 8-23-18)