Objective 8.2.1. - Public Access.  

Latest version.
  • Provide appropriate public access for residents of all ages and physical abilities and ensuring compatibility with natural resource protection to allow all residents the opportunity to enjoy these recreational resources.

    Policy Maintain and, where feasible, increase the quantity and quality of public beach and shoreline access points in Manatee County through acquisition, interlocal agreements with public and private landowners, and through coastal shoreline land donations.

    Implementation Mechanism(s):


    Coordination between the Manatee County Government and the State to:


    Ensure continued accessibility to existing beach access points owned/operated by the County or the State, and


    Encourage the provision of public access to any additional shoreline acquired by County, state, or by federal agencies, where such access is consistent with applicable local, state or federal objectives and requirements.


    Coordination between County Departments to consider public access facilities (e.g., boat ramps and hiking trails) during review of any development project located on a major water body (see Table 8-1).


    County Departments to work with private landowners to encourage the donation of suitable shoreline areas and/or agreements for public access.

    Policy Coordinate with state and federal agencies to ensure waterfront access on causeways and bridges.

    Implementation Mechanism:


    Departments of Public Works, Parks and Recreation and Planning will coordinate activities with state and federal Departments of Transportation for inclusion of Public Access areas.

    Policy Limit vehicular access to publicly and privately owned shoreline areas to designated parking and boat launch areas except for maintenance and natural resource enhancement/restoration activities.

    Implementation Mechanism:


    Planning Department review of development orders and management plans for shoreline areas for consistency with this policy.

    Policy Continue to design and develop all public parks in Manatee County such that they are accessible to the handicapped and elderly, consistent with natural resource protection.

    Implementation Mechanism:


    Provide handicapped parking and barrier-free access to all park facilities.

    Policy Require all shoreline public access to be designed consistent with environmental resource protection.

    Implementation Mechanism:


    Parks and Recreation, Planning, and Natural Resources Departments coordination to develop a management plan for all public shoreline access areas.