§ 1006. Off-Street Loading.
1006.1. Applicability.
All non-residential buildings built or erected and all uses established after the effective date of this Code shall provide accessory off-street loading space. When an existing structure or use is expanded in floor area, volume, or capacity, accessory off-street loading space shall be provided in accordance with this section for the area, or capacity of such expansion.
1006.2. Off-street Loading Plans Required.
Site plans submitted to the County for approval for any use or structure shall accurately designate the required off-street loading spaces, maneuvering areas, access, dimensions, clearance, and general layout.
1006.3. Use Limitations.
No motor vehicle repair work, gasoline or oil facilities, except emergency service, shall be permitted in association with any required off-street loading activity. There shall be no storage of material or equipment, display of merchandise, long term storage of containerized facilities in any loading dock area.
1006.4. Number of Loading Spaces Required.
Off-street loading spaces accessory to a use shall be provided in accordance with Table 10-4. If there is uncertainty with respect to the amount of loading spaces required by this Code, the maximum requirement for the general type of use allowed in that district shall govern and shall be determined by the Department Director. Where the required number of loading spaces is not set forth for a particular use in the following paragraphs, and where there is no similar general type of use listed, the Department Director shall determine the basis of the number of spaces to be provided.
(Ord. No. 16-24 , § 3(Exh. A-9), 11-15-16)
Table 10-7: Loading Space Uses
USE CATEGORY FLOOR AREA IN SQUARE FEET NUMBER OF SPACES REQUIRED Retail Sales and Service, Restaurants, or Similar Uses 1,000 - 20,000 1 20,001 - 40,000 2 Each additional 20,000 square feet or fraction 1 Offices, Hotels, Boatels, Hospitals, Nursing Homes, Adult Congregate Living Facilities, or Similar Uses 30,000 - 100,000 1 Each additional 100,000 square feet or fraction 1 Arenas, Auditoriums, Stadiums, Convention Centers, Exhibition Halls, Museums, or Similar Uses 10,000 - 50,000 1 50,001 - 100,000 2 Over 100,000 4 Agricultural Processing, Lumberyard, Any Industrial Use and any Wholesale, Retail, and Non-residential Storage Facility or Similar Uses 15,000 - 40,000 1 40,001 - 100,000 2 100,001 - 150,000 3 Each additional 80,000 square feet or fractions 1 Editor's note— See editor's note to Table 10-4.
1006.5. Cooperative Loading Facilities.
Required off-street loading spaces may be provided cooperatively for two (2) or more uses, subject to an easement and arrangements that will assure the permanent availability of such spaces. Where a given use or building on the same lot contains a combination of uses, as set forth in the following paragraphs, loading facilities shall be provided in such a manner as to encourage combined usage of facilities.
1006.6. Reduction in Required Loading Spaces.
Required off-street loading spaces shall not be encroached upon or reduced in any manner, except that the Department Director may approve a reduction based on a change in the size or nature of the use served.
1006.7. Location of Loading Facilities.
Required Loading Space. All required off-street loading spaces shall be located on the same lot as the use served; provided that the Department Director may waive such location requirement based on the nature of the use served.
Location. No loading space or berth shall be located within forty (40) feet of the nearest point of intersection of the edges of the travel way or the curbs of any two (2) streets. The surfaced portions of all loading areas, excluding driveways, shall observe a twenty-foot setback from all front lot lines, a ten-foot setback from all other lot lines, and visibility triangles.
1006.8. Loading Facility Design.
Required Dimensions. All off-street loading areas shall be designed in accordance with Manatee County Public Works Standards; but in no event shall the required dimensions be less than fifteen (15) feet wide, thirty-five (35) feet long, and fifteen (15) feet high, except that where one (1) such loading space has been provided, any additional loading space lying alongside, contiguous to, and not separated from such first loading space need not be wider than twelve (12) feet. All maneuvering areas shall have a minimum vertical clearance of fifteen (15) feet.
Maneuvering. The required off-street loading area shall not be used to accommodate the required maneuvering area of any off-street parking facilities.
Circulation. To the extent feasible, no loading area shall be so located as to interfere with the free circulation of pedestrian and vehicles in any off-street area.
Access. Each off-street loading space shall be provided with safe and convenient access to a street, without the necessity of crossing or entering any other required loading space.
Street Side Access. If a loading space is located contiguous to a street, the street side access of the loading space shall be provided only through driveway openings in the curb of such dimension, location and construction as may be approved by the Building and Development Services Department.
Marked Spaces. Loading spaces shall be painted with diagonal stripes and marked "Loading Only."
Leaving and Entering. Loading spaces shall be so arranged that no maneuvering, directly incidental to entering or leaving a loading space, shall be on any street, alley, walkway, fire lane, parking space, or landscaped area.
Pedestrian Safety. The exit discharge at the loading dock area shall be arranged as to minimize hazards to pedestrian movement in the immediate area.
Landscaping. All off-street loading areas shall comply with the provisions of screening and buffering outlined in Section 701, Landscaping as necessary to protect adjacent property and rights-of-way. Loading spaces, berths, associated maneuvering areas and driveways shall be arranged and designed so as to prevent damage to such screening measures.
1006.9. Construction.
All off-street loading areas including drive aisles and driveways shall be constructed and maintained with an all-weather dustless surface, in accordance with Manatee County Public Works Standards.