Objective 11.1.5. - Coordination.
Promote consistency between this Comprehensive Plan and the plans of the School Board and other units of government which affect or provide services within the County, which have no regulatory authority over the use of land to further plan implementation.
Policy Maintain and improve existing coordination mechanisms to ensure the planning activities, master plans and services/facilities of the School Board, University of South Florida, New College, Fire Districts, Port Authority, Airport Authority, private utility companies, regional water supply districts, and other local jurisdictions are consistent with the Comprehensive Plan.
Policy Review comprehensive plans, plan amendments, and public facility improvements to ensure coordination and general consistency between jurisdictions.
Implementation Mechanism:
The Planning Department shall coordinate review with the appropriate County Departments and agencies.
Policy Provide county-wide public agencies or districts not utilizing level of service review (the Manatee County Sheriff, County Emergency Medical Services, and the Fire Districts operating in Manatee County) with an annual, or periodic, update on development orders likely to result in short-term demand for emergency services and fire protection services. Also, to request on a periodic basis, an inventory of facility deficiencies from the Fire Districts, County Sheriff and Emergency Medical Services so as to consider such deficiencies in evaluating proposed development orders.
Implementation Mechanism(s):
Coordination, initiated by the Planning Department, with the Fire Districts, County Sheriff, and Emergency Medical Services in order to achieve compliance with this Policy.
Provide information and seek input from other governmental agencies regarding the adequacy and availability of public facilities and services.
Policy Provide all County departments and independent agencies providing services or facilities within Manatee County with long-range projections of population, or other appropriate parameters, following publication or update of such long-range projections, in order to facilitate the coordinated provision of public facilities and services.
Implementation Mechanism:
Planning Department coordination pursuant to this policy.
Policy Require that review of all proposed development orders include an assessment of the proposed project's impact on cumulative demand for services and facilities for which an adopted level of service is not specified in this Comprehensive Plan. Such assessment shall consider public safety of existing and future Manatee County residents and employees. Such assessments may be used as a basis for limiting amount or location of development where public safety is compromised and may generate the need for adequate assurances from the developer that the public safety of residents or workers in Manatee County will be protected.
Implementation Mechanism:
Coordination, by the Manatee County Planning Department, with the Fire Districts, County Sheriff, and Emergency Medical Services to determine those agencies' capacity to deliver services to proposed developments.